toValueNotifier method

ValueListenable<T> toValueNotifier(
  1. T initialValue, {
  2. void onDone(
    1. T
  3. void onError(
    1. Object,
    2. StackTrace

Converts the current stream into a ValueListenable<T> which is effectively a ValueNotifier<T>.

The conversion process involves listening to the stream and updating the ValueNotifier's value each time the stream emits a new item. This allows Flutter widgets to reactively rebuild whenever the ValueNotifier's value changes, based on the latest data emitted by the stream.


  • initialValue: The initial value to be used for the ValueNotifier before any data is received from the stream.
  • onDone: An optional callback that gets called when the stream is done. The last value received from the stream is passed to this callback.
  • onError: An optional error handler for stream errors. If not provided, a default error handler that logs the error is used.

Returns a ValueListenable<T> which is a ValueNotifier<T> that updates its value based on the stream's emissions.


ValueListenable<T> toValueNotifier(
  T initialValue, {
  void Function(T)? onDone,
  void Function(Object, StackTrace)? onError,
}) {
  final notifier = ValueNotifier<T>(initialValue);
    (value) => notifier.value = value,
    onError: onError ?? _defaultOnError,
    onDone: () => onDone?.call(notifier.value),
  return notifier;