FHUMediaQueryExtension extension



accessibleNavigation bool
Returns accessibleNavigationOf for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or throws an exception, if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
alwaysUse24HourFormat bool
Returns whether to always use the 24-hour format for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or throws an exception if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
boldText bool
Returns the boldText accessibility setting for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or false, if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
deviceOrientation Orientation
Returns orientation for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or throws an exception, if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
disableAnimations bool
Returns disableAnimations for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or Brightness.light, if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
displayFeatures List<DisplayFeature>
Area of the display that may be obstructed by a hardware feature.
no setter
gestureSettings DeviceGestureSettings
Returns gestureSettings for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or throws an exception, if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
heightPx double
The vertical extent of this size.
no setter
highContrast bool
Returns highContrast for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or false, if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
invertColors bool
Returns highContrast for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or false, if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
isLandscape bool
Returns if Orientation is landscape
no setter
isPortrait bool
Returns if Orientation is landscape
no setter
longestSide double
The greater of the magnitudes of the width and the height.
no setter
mq MediaQueryData
The data from the closest instance of this class that encloses the given context.
no setter
Returns navigationMode for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or throws an exception, if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableAccessibleNavigation bool?
Returns whether accessible navigation is enabled for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableAlwaysUse24HourFormat bool?
Returns whether to always use the 24-hour format for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableBoldText bool?
Returns whether bold text is enabled for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableDevicePixelRatio double?
Returns the device pixel ratio for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableDisableAnimations bool?
Returns whether to disable animations for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableDisplayFeatures List<DisplayFeature>?
Returns the display features for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or throws an exception if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableGestureSettings DeviceGestureSettings?
Returns the device gesture settings for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableHighContrast bool?
Returns whether high contrast mode is enabled for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableInvertColors bool?
Returns whether to invert colors for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableMQ MediaQueryData?
The data from the closest instance of this class that encloses the given context, if any.
no setter
nullableNavigationMode NavigationMode?
Returns the navigation mode for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableOnOffSwitchLabels bool?
Returns whether to show on/off labels inside switches for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableOrientation Orientation?
Returns the orientation for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullablePadding EdgeInsets?
Returns the padding for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or throws an exception if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullablePlatformBrightness Brightness?
Returns the platform brightness for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableSize Size?
Returns the size of the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableSystemGestureInsets EdgeInsets?
Returns the system gesture insets for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableTextScaler TextScaler?
Returns the TextScaler for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or null if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableViewInsets EdgeInsets?
Returns the view insets for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or throws an exception if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
nullableViewPadding EdgeInsets?
Returns the view padding for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or throws an exception if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
onOffSwitchLabels bool
Returns whether to show on/off labels inside switches for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or throws an exception if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
padding EdgeInsets
The parts of the display that are partially obscured by system UI, typically by the hardware display "notches" or the system status bar. If you consumed this padding (e.g. by building a widget that envelops or accounts for this padding in its layout in such a way that children are no longer exposed to this padding), you should remove this padding for subsequent descendants in the widget tree by inserting a new MediaQuery widget using the mq.removePadding factory.
no setter
pixelRatio double
similar to MediaQuery.of(this).devicePixelRatio
no setter
platformBrightness Brightness
no setter
shortestSide double
The lesser of the magnitudes of the width and the height.
no setter
sizePx Size
Returns same as MediaQuery.of(context).size
no setter
systemGestureInsets EdgeInsets
Returns the system gesture insets for the nearest MediaQuery ancestor or throws an exception if no such ancestor exists.
no setter
textScaler TextScaler
similar to MediaQuery.of(this).textScaler
no setter
viewInsets EdgeInsets
The parts of the display that are completely obscured by system UI, typically by the device's keyboard. This value is independent of the padding and viewPadding. viewPadding is measured from the edges of the MediaQuery widget's bounds. Padding is calculated based on the viewPadding and viewInsets. The bounds of the top level MediaQuery created by WidgetsApp are the same as the window (often the mobile device screen) that contains the app.
no setter
viewPadding EdgeInsets
This value is independent of the padding and viewInsets. their values are measured from the edges of the MediaQuery widget's bounds. The bounds of the top level MediaQuery created by WidgetsApp are the same as the window that contains the app. On mobile devices, this will typically be the full screen.
no setter
widthPx double
The horizontal extent of this size.
no setter