FHUBoolValueNotifierExtension extension


Extension on ValueNotifier<bool> providing additional boolean-specific functionalities. This extension simplifies toggling and other boolean operations directly on the ValueNotifier without the need to perform actions in the value itself.


final boolValueNotifier = true.notifier;
boolValueNotifier.toggle(); // Toggles the boolean value.


conditionalToggle({required bool condition}) → void
toggle the value of the ValueNotifier based on a condition.
delayedToggle(Duration delay) Future<void>
toggle after a specific time.
setFalse() → void
make the value of the ValueNotifier false
setTrue() → void
make the value of the ValueNotifier true
toggle() → void
toggle the value of the ValueNotifier
toggleWithCallback(VoidCallback callback) → void
toggle the value of the ValueNotifier and run the provided function.


operator &(bool other) bool
The logical conjunction ("and") of this and other.
operator ^(bool other) bool
The logical exclusive disjunction ("exclusive or") of this and other.
operator |(bool other) bool
The logical disjunction ("inclusive or") of this and other.