firstDayOfWeek method

DateTime firstDayOfWeek({
  1. int startOfWeek = DateTime.monday,

Returns a DateTime representing the first day of the week for this DateTime.

startOfWeek is an optional parameter specifying the weekday that is considered the start of the week (1 for Monday, 7 for Sunday, etc.). Defaults to Monday.


DateTime firstDayOfWeek({int startOfWeek = DateTime.monday}) {
  // Normalize the startOfWeek value to be within the range of 1-7
  final normalizedStartOfWeek =
      ((startOfWeek - 1) % DateTime.daysPerWeek) + 1;

  // Calculate the difference between the current weekday and normalizedStartOfWeek
  // and adjust it to be positive and within the range of 0-6
  final daysToSubtract =
      (weekday - normalizedStartOfWeek + DateTime.daysPerWeek) %

  return subtract(Duration(days: daysToSubtract));