Dart-only? We’ve separated the purely Dart-related helpers into
. If you need those features in a non-Flutter environment (like a CLI app), feel free to use that package directly. Don’t worry—flutter_helper_utils
exports it internally, so you can still access all of the Dart helpers without changing your existing imports.
Getting Started
Add the dependency in your pubspec.yaml
flutter_helper_utils: <latest_version>
Then import it into your Dart code:
import 'package:flutter_helper_utils/flutter_helper_utils.dart';
You’ll also automatically get the dart_helper_utils
exports, so everything’s in one place.
A modern Web-compatible replacement for dart:io
's Platform
class that works seamlessly across all platforms, including web. The PlatformEnv
class provides:
// Simple platform checks
if (PlatformEnv.isIOS) {
// iOS-specific code
// Get detailed platform info
final report = PlatformEnv.report();
print('Operating System: ${report['operatingSystem']}');
// Access system properties
final processors = PlatformEnv.numberOfProcessors;
final pathSeparator = PlatformEnv.pathSeparator;
ValueNotifier Supercharged
Enhanced ValueNotifier functionality with type-safe notifiers and convenient extensions:
- Create notifiers instantly from any value
- Type-safe specialized notifiers
- Simplified builder syntax
- Advanced collection handling
// Quick notifier creation
final counter = 0.notifier; // Creates IntNotifier
final isLoading = false.notifier; // Creates BoolNotifier
final items = <String>[].notifier; // Creates ListNotifier<String>
// Easy builder syntax
counter.builder((value) => Text('Count: $value'));
// Type-safe operations
counter.increment(); // Built-in methods for specific types
isLoading.toggle(); // Toggles boolean value
// Collection operations with automatic notifications
items.add('New Item'); // Notifies listeners automatically
TypedListView Widget
A powerful, type-safe list view widget with built-in support for headers, footers, separators, and pagination:
- Type safety for list items
- Optional headers and footers
- Custom separators
- Built-in pagination support
- Optimized performance
items: products,
itemBuilder: (context, product) => ProductCard(product: product),
headerBuilder: (context) => CategoryHeader(),
footerBuilder: (context) => LoadMoreButton(),
separatorBuilder: (context) => Divider(),
paginationWidget: CircularProgressIndicator(),
padding: EdgeInsets.all(16),
onScrollEnd: () => loadMoreProducts(),
Adaptive UI
Create responsive layouts for different screen sizes and platforms (mobile, tablet, desktop).
- Efficient: Rebuilds only when the platform type changes.
- Easy-to-use context extensions: Access platform/orientation information directly.
- Customizable: Define your own breakpoints and helper extensions.
- Layout builders: Convenient widgets for building adaptive UI.
Basic Usage
PlatformTypeProvider( // Wrap your app
child: MyApp(),
); // optionally receive custom breakpoints.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final breakpoint = context.breakpoint; // rebuilds on change.
return breakpoint.isMobile ? const MobileLayout() : const TabletLayout();
See the detailed documentation for adaptive ui to explore more.
Theme Extensions
// Get theme instance
final theme = context.themeData;
// Direct TextStyle access
Text('Some Text', style: theme.bodyMedium)
Text('Some Text', style: theme.titleLarge)
Text('Some Text', style: theme.labelSmall)
// Copy TextStyles with modifications
Text('Some Text', style: theme.labelSmallCopy(color: theme.primary))
// Direct ColorScheme access
final primary = theme.primary; // Instead of theme.colorScheme.primary
final onSurface = theme.onSurface; // Instead of theme.colorScheme.onSurface
final isLight = theme.isLight; // Check if light theme
Color Extensions
Comprehensive color manipulation with support for wide gamut colors and modern color operations:
New Color API
final color = Colors.blue;
// New color operations
final contrast = color.contrastColor; // Gets contrasting color
final isDark = color.isDark; // Checks if color is dark
final hex = color.toHex(
includeAlpha: true,
omitAlphaIfFullOpacity: true,
uppercase: true
// Color transformations
final darker = color.darken(0.2);
final lighter = color.lighten(0.3);
final complementary = color.complementary;
Wide Gamut Support
// Modern color handling
final wideColor = color.convertToColorSpace(ColorSpace.srgb);
final isInSpace = color.isInColorSpace(ColorSpace.displayP3);
// Opacity operations
final withOpacity = color.addOpacity(0.5); // replaces deprecated withOpacity form the FlutterSDK
final scaled = color.scaleOpacity(0.8);
Scroll Extensions
Rich set of scroll controller extensions for enhanced scrolling functionality:
Basic Animations
// Smooth scrolling animations
// Percentage-based scrolling
controller.scrollToPercentage(0.5); // Scroll to 50%
Position Detection
// Position checks
if (controller.isAtTop) {
// At the top of the scroll view
if (controller.isNearBottom(threshold: 50)) {
// Near the bottom with custom threshold
// Get scroll progress
final progress = controller.scrollProgress; // 0.0 to 1.0
Future & AsyncSnapshot Extensions
Simplified Future handling and AsyncSnapshot state management:
// Future extensions
onLoading: () => LoadingSpinner(),
onSuccess: (data) => SuccessView(data),
onError: (error) => ErrorView(error),
// AsyncSnapshot extensions
loading: () => LoadingSpinner(),
error: (error) => ErrorView(error),
success: (data) => SuccessView(data),
BuildContext Extensions
// Navigation
// Theme access
final theme = context.themeData;
final isDarkMode = context.isDark;
final primaryColor = theme.primaryColor;
// Media queries
final width = context.screenWidth;
final height = context.screenHeight;
final padding = context.padding;
final orientation = context.deviceOrientation;
// Focus handling
context.unFocus(); // Hide keyboard
context.requestFocus; // Request focus
// Scaffold interactions
context.showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text('Hello!')));
Number Extensions
Type-safe number extensions for common UI operations:
EdgeInsets & Padding
// Create EdgeInsets
final padding = 16.edgeInsetsAll;
final horizontal = 8.edgeInsetsHorizontal;
// Create Padding widgets
final paddedWidget = 16.paddingAll(child: MyWidget());
BorderRadius & Border
// Border radius
final radius = 8.allCircular;
final topRadius = 12.onlyTopRounded;
final diagonal = 10.diagonalBLTR;
// Matrix transformations
final matrix = 45.rotationZ;
Box Constraints & Size
// Size creation
final size = 100.size;
final box = 50.squareBox;
// Constraints
final constraints = 200.boxConstraints;
A type-safe, high-performance list view widget with built-in support for headers, footers, separators, and pagination:
// Basic usage
items: products,
itemBuilder: (context, product) => ProductCard(product),
// Advanced usage with all features
items: products,
itemBuilder: (context, product) => ProductCard(product),
headerBuilder: (context) => CategoryHeader(),
footerBuilder: (context) => LoadMoreButton(),
separatorBuilder: (context) => const Divider(),
paginationWidget: const CircularProgressIndicator(),
padding: 16.edgeInsetsAll,
onScrollEnd: () => loadMoreProducts(),
Apply gradient effects to any widget with ease:
gradient: const LinearGradient(
colors: [Colors.blue, Colors.purple],
begin: Alignment.topLeft,
end: Alignment.bottomRight,
child: const Text('Gradient Text'),
Detect and handle multi-tap gestures with configurable tap count:
tapCount: 2, // Double tap
onTap: () => print('Double tapped!'),
child: Container(
height: 100,
color: Colors.blue,
child: const Center(
child: Text('Double tap me!'),
Selectively disable visual feedback effects (splash, highlight, hover) for specific parts of your app:
// Disable all effects
child: MyWidget(),
// Customize which effects to disable
disableSplash: true,
disableHighlight: true,
disableHover: false,
child: MyWidget(),
Enable adaptive UI features and platform-specific behavior:
// Optional custom breakpoints
breakpoints: const PlatformBreakpoints(
mobileMax: 600,
tabletMax: 1000,
child: MaterialApp(
home: Builder(
builder: (context) {
// Access platform info
final info = context.platformSizeInfo;
// Build responsive layout
return info.when(
mobile: () => MobileLayout(),
tablet: () => TabletLayout(),
desktop: () => DesktopLayout(),
Efficiently manage and respond to changes in multiple Listenable objects:
// Multiple controllers/notifiers
final controllers = [
listenables: controllers,
builder: (context) {
return Column(
children: [
Text('Scroll offset: ${scrollController.offset}'),
Text('Value: ${valueNotifier.value}'),
// Optional: Control when to rebuild
buildWhen: (previous, current) {
return previous != current; // default.
// Optional: Debounce rapid changes
threshold: const Duration(milliseconds: 100),
File Handling
Enhanced file handling with robust MIME type detection and processing:
// Check file types
'image.png'.isImage; // true
'document.pdf'.isPDF; // true
'video.mp4'.isVideo; // true
// Get MIME type
final mimeType = 'file.jpg'.mimeType(); // 'image/jpeg'
Platform Detection
Comprehensive platform detection across web and native platforms:
// Basic platform checks
context.isMobile; // true on iOS/Android
context.isDesktop; // true on Windows/macOS/Linux
context.isWeb; // true on web platforms
// Specific platform + web checks
context.isMobileWeb; // true on mobile browsers
context.isDesktopWeb; // true on desktop browsers
context.isIOSWeb; // true on iOS Safari
Theme Utilities
Utilities for theme manipulation and management:
// Remove specific effects
final cleanTheme = themeData.withoutEffects(
disableSplash: true,
disableHover: true,
// Access theme colors directly
final surface = theme.surface; // Instead of theme.colorScheme.surface
final primary = theme.primary; // Instead of theme.colorScheme.primary
Contributions to this package are welcome. If you have any suggestions, issues, or feature requests, please create a pull request in the repository.
is available under the BSD 3-Clause License.
If this package saves you time or helps you ship faster, consider buying me a coffee. It goes a long way in helping maintain and improve these tools.