randomString function

String randomString({
  1. int? length,
  2. bool includeNumeric = true,

Generates a random alphanumeric string with a random length between 1 and 64.

This function generates a random string with both alphabetical and numeric characters. The length of the generated string is random and can be specified using the optional length parameter. If includeNumeric is set to false, the generated string will only contain alphabetical characters.


String randomString({int? length, bool includeNumeric = true}) {
  var rand = math.Random();

  int generator(int i) {
    var charCount = includeNumeric ? 62 : 52;
    var start = includeNumeric ? 48 : 58;
    var charCode = rand.nextInt(charCount) + start;
    if (charCode.between(58, 64)) {
      charCode += 52;
    } else if (charCode.between(91, 96)) {
      charCode += 26;
    return charCode;

  length ??= rand.nextInt(64) + 1;
  return String.fromCharCodes(List.generate(length, generator));