widgetMap<T> static method

List<Widget> widgetMap<T>(
  1. List<T> widgets,
  2. List<Widget> mapFunc(
    1. T

Maps a list of objects to a list of widgets using a mapping function.

Returns a new list of widgets where each object in the input list is mapped to a list of widgets using the provided mapping function.

Example usage:

List<String> items = ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'];
List<Widget> mappedWidgets = WidgetHelper.widgetMap(
  (item) => [Text(item), SizedBox(height: 10)],


static List<Widget> widgetMap<T>(
  List<T> widgets,
  List<Widget> Function(T) mapFunc,
) {
  return [
    ...widgets.map(mapFunc).expand((element) => element),