intersperse static method

List<Widget> intersperse(
  1. List<Widget> widgets,
  2. Widget divider, {
  3. bool leading = false,
  4. bool trailing = false,

Intersperses a divider widget between a list of widgets.

Returns a new list of widgets where a divider widget is inserted between each pair of adjacent widgets in the input list.

The leading parameter specifies whether to add a divider before the first widget in the list (default is false).

The trailing parameter specifies whether to add a divider after the last widget in the list (default is false).


static List<Widget> intersperse(
  List<Widget> widgets,
  Widget divider, {
  bool leading = false,
  bool trailing = false,
}) {
  if (widgets.isNullOrEmpty) return [];
  return [
    if (leading) divider,
        .take(widgets.length - 1)
        .map((child) => [child, divider])
        .expand((element) => element),
    if (trailing) divider,