wait<T> function

Future<T> wait<T>([
  1. int millisecond = 1500,
  2. FutureOr<T> value()?

Short for Future.delayed.

Delays the execution by millisecond milliseconds and returns value after the delay. If value is not provided, returns null.


// Delay execution for 1 second.
await FlutterHelperUtils.wait(1000);

// Delay execution for 500 milliseconds and return a value.
String result = await FlutterHelperUtils.wait<String>(500, () {
  return 'Delayed value';


Future<T> wait<T>([
  int millisecond = 1500,
  FutureOr<T> Function()? value,
]) async {
  await Future.delayed(Duration(milliseconds: millisecond));
  return value == null ? null as T : value.call();