NullStringExtension extension



capitalizeEachWordFirstCharacter String
'I like dart language'.capitalizeEachWordFirstCharacter() // I Like Dart Language 'I like dart language'.capitalizeEachWordFirstCharacter() // I Like Dart Language
no setter
capitalizeFirstCharacter String
Returns string with capitalized first letter Example: assert('test'.capitalizeFirstCharacter(), 'Test');
no setter
countWords int
Returns a string abbreviation.
no setter
defaultBlank String
If Given String s is Null return blank String
no setter
generateRandomString String
no setter
isAlphabetOnly bool
Returns true if string contains only alphabet symbols
no setter
isContainsAlphabetLetter bool
Checks whether the given string contains a single letter or not and return True if contains otherwise return False
no setter
isDateTime bool
check this string value convertible in DateTime or not
no setter
isDouble bool
check this string value convertible in double or not
no setter
isEmptyOrNull bool
Checks if the given String s is null or empty
no setter
isInt bool
check value is integer or not and return true or false
no setter
isJsonDecodable bool
Check if string is json decodable or not
no setter
isNotEmptyOrNull bool
Checks if the given String s is not null or empty
no setter
isNumber bool
check value is Number or not and return true or false
no setter
isValidateEmail bool
Checks whether the given string is a valid email address or not
no setter
removeAllWhiteSpace String
Removes all whitespaces from string
no setter
reversed String
Returns the reversed string
no setter
toDateTime DateTime?
Date format give as api utc time example 2023-04-28T05:34:53.684Z
no setter
toDouble double?
convert value in Double
no setter
toInt int?
convert value in Int
no setter
toLength int
get characters length of String
no setter
toNumber num?
convert value in Number
no setter
validatePhone bool
Check phone validation
no setter
validatePhoneWithCountryCode bool
Check phone validation with country code
no setter
validateURL bool
Check URL validation
no setter


isPasswordValidator({int minLength = 6, int uppercaseCharCount = 0, int lowercaseCharCount = 0, int numericCharCount = 0, int specialCharCount = 0}) bool
default minimum value 6 check password give true and false
lastChars(int n) String
get last charts of give value 'I like dart language'.lastChars(13) // dart language
startsWithCharacters(String characters, {bool matchCase = false}) bool
Check characters is start with String Default All String convert in lower case
take(int numberOfCharacters) String
Returns a string first Characters.
toWordsFirstCharacters({int? numberOfCharacters, String splitBy = '\\s+'}) String
return words first letter of given string
validate([String value = '']) String
Check null string, return given value if null