ListExt<T> extension



isNullOrEmpty bool
no setter
lastIndex int?
no setter


countWhere(bool test(T)) int
Counts the elements for whichs the predicate holds.
divideListByFunction(bool condition(T)) List<List<T>>
divideListByRange(int rangeSize) List<List<T>>?
forEachIndexed(void f(int index, T element)) → void
For each method with provides not only the element but the index as well.
random({int? seed}) → T?
Return a random element of the list.
removeAll(T item) → void
Remove all occurrences of item from the list.
separatorEvery(T separator, {bool start = false, bool end = false}) List<T>
toWidgetList(Widget mapFunc(T value)) List<Widget>
convert List to List of widget
tryGet(int index) → T?
Returns the element at the specified index, or null if the index is out of bounds.