isSameWeek method

bool isSameWeek(
  1. DateTime b

Checks if two DateTime instances fall within the same week.


DateTime date1 = DateTime(2024, 1, 8);
DateTime date2 = DateTime(2024, 1, 12);

bool result = date1.isSameWeek(date2);
print(result);  // Output: true

The isSameWeek method compares two DateTime instances, ignoring the time component, and determines if they fall within the same week.


bool isSameWeek(DateTime b) {
  final a = DateTime.utc(year, month, day);
  b = DateTime.utc(b.year, b.month,;

  final diff = a.toUtc().difference(b.toUtc()).inDays;
  if (diff.abs() >= 7) {
    return false;

  final min = a.isBefore(b) ? a : b;
  final max = a.isBefore(b) ? b : a;
  final result = max.weekday % 7 - min.weekday % 7 >= 0;
  return result;