fromJson static method
The inverse of .toJson.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Remove this in the next breaking change.
@Deprecated('No longer supported')
static BitmapDescriptor fromJson(Object json) {
assert(json is List<dynamic>);
final List<dynamic> jsonList = json as List<dynamic>;
switch (jsonList[0]) {
case _defaultMarker:
assert(jsonList.length <= 2);
if (jsonList.length == 2) {
assert(jsonList[1] is num);
final num secondElement = jsonList[1] as num;
assert(0 <= secondElement && secondElement < 360);
return DefaultMarker(hue: secondElement);
return const DefaultMarker();
case _fromBytes:
assert(jsonList.length == 2);
assert(jsonList[1] != null && jsonList[1] is List<int>);
assert((jsonList[1] as List<int>).isNotEmpty);
return BytesBitmap(byteData: jsonList[1] as Uint8List);
case _fromAsset:
assert(jsonList.length <= 3);
assert(jsonList[1] != null && jsonList[1] is String);
assert((jsonList[1] as String).isNotEmpty);
if (jsonList.length == 3) {
assert(jsonList[2] != null && jsonList[2] is String);
assert((jsonList[2] as String).isNotEmpty);
return AssetBitmap(
name: jsonList[1] as String, package: jsonList[2] as String);
return AssetBitmap(name: jsonList[1] as String);
case _fromAssetImage:
assert(jsonList.length <= 4);
assert(jsonList[1] != null && jsonList[1] is String);
assert((jsonList[1] as String).isNotEmpty);
assert(jsonList[2] != null && jsonList[2] is double);
if (jsonList.length == 4) {
assert(jsonList[3] != null && jsonList[3] is List<dynamic>);
assert((jsonList[3] as List<dynamic>).length == 2);
final List<dynamic> sizeList = jsonList[3] as List<dynamic>;
return AssetImageBitmap(
name: jsonList[1] as String,
scale: jsonList[2] as double,
size: Size((sizeList[0] as num).toDouble(),
(sizeList[1] as num).toDouble()));
return AssetImageBitmap(
name: jsonList[1] as String, scale: jsonList[2] as double);
case AssetMapBitmap.type:
assert(jsonList.length == 2);
assert(jsonList[1] != null && jsonList[1] is Map<String, dynamic>);
final Map<String, dynamic> jsonMap =
jsonList[1] as Map<String, dynamic>;
assert(jsonMap['assetName'] is String);
assert(jsonMap['bitmapScaling'] is String);
assert(jsonMap['imagePixelRatio'] is double);
assert(!jsonMap.containsKey('width') || jsonMap['width'] is double);
assert(!jsonMap.containsKey('height') || jsonMap['height'] is double);
final double? width =
jsonMap.containsKey('width') ? jsonMap['width'] as double : null;
final double? height =
jsonMap.containsKey('height') ? jsonMap['height'] as double : null;
return AssetMapBitmap(jsonMap['assetName'] as String,
mapBitmapScalingFromString(jsonMap['bitmapScaling'] as String),
imagePixelRatio: jsonMap['imagePixelRatio'] as double,
width: width,
height: height);
case BytesMapBitmap.type:
assert(jsonList.length == 2);
assert(jsonList[1] != null && jsonList[1] is Map<String, dynamic>);
final Map<String, dynamic> jsonMap =
jsonList[1] as Map<String, dynamic>;
assert(jsonMap['byteData'] is Uint8List);
assert(jsonMap['bitmapScaling'] is String);
assert(jsonMap['imagePixelRatio'] is double);
assert(!jsonMap.containsKey('width') || jsonMap['width'] is double);
assert(!jsonMap.containsKey('height') || jsonMap['height'] is double);
final double? width =
jsonMap.containsKey('width') ? jsonMap['width'] as double : null;
final double? height =
jsonMap.containsKey('height') ? jsonMap['height'] as double : null;
return BytesMapBitmap(jsonMap['byteData'] as Uint8List,
mapBitmapScalingFromString(jsonMap['bitmapScaling'] as String),
width: width,
height: height,
imagePixelRatio: jsonMap['imagePixelRatio'] as double);
throw ArgumentError('Unrecognized BitmapDescriptor type ${jsonList[0]}');