flutter_google_street_view library
T> - Mutable collection of ArgumentCallback instances, itself an ArgumentCallback.
- AssetBitmap
- A bitmap specified by a name and optional package.
- AssetImageBitmap
- A BitmapDescriptor from an asset image.
- AssetMapBitmap
- Represents a BitmapDescriptor that is created from an asset image.
- BitmapDescriptor
- Defines a bitmap image. For a marker, this class can be used to set the image of the marker icon. For a ground overlay, it can be used to set the image to place on the surface of the earth.
- BytesBitmap
- A BitmapDescriptor using an array of bytes that must be encoded as PNG.
- BytesMapBitmap
Represents a BitmapDescriptor that is created from an array of bytes
encoded as
in Uint8List. - CameraChangeEvent
- An event fired when the Camera of a viewId starts changing.
- CameraIdleEvent
- An event fired when the Camera of a mapId becomes idle.
- CameraMoveEvent
- An event fired while the Camera of a mapId moves.
- CameraMoveStartedEvent
- An event fired when the Camera of a mapId starts moving.
- CameraPosition
- The position of the map "camera", the view point from which the world is shown in the map view.
- CameraTargetBounds
- Bounds for the map camera target.
- CameraUpdate
- Defines a camera move, supporting absolute moves as well as moves relative the current position.
- CameraUpdateNewCameraPosition
- Defines a camera move to a new position.
- CameraUpdateNewLatLng
- Defines a camera move to a latitude and longitude.
- CameraUpdateNewLatLngBounds
- Defines a camera move to a new bounding latitude and longitude range.
- CameraUpdateNewLatLngZoom
- Defines a camera move to new coordinates with a zoom level.
- CameraUpdateScrollBy
- Defines a camera scroll by a certain delta.
- CameraUpdateZoomBy
- Defines a relative camera zoom.
- CameraUpdateZoomIn
- Defines a camera zoom in.
- CameraUpdateZoomOut
- Defines a camera zoom out.
- CameraUpdateZoomTo
- Defines a camera zoom to an absolute zoom.
- Cap
- Cap that can be applied at the start or end vertex of a Polyline.
- Circle
- Draws a circle on the map.
- CircleId
Uniquely identifies a Circle among
circles. - CircleTapEvent
- An event fired when a Circle is tapped.
- CircleUpdates
Circle update events to be applied to the
. - Cluster
- A cluster containing multiple markers.
- ClusterManager
- ClusterManager manages marker clustering for set of Markers that have the same ClusterManagerId set.
- ClusterManagerId
Uniquely identifies a ClusterManager among
clusters. - ClusterManagerUpdates
ClusterManager update events to be applied to the
. - ClusterTapEvent
- An event fired when a cluster icon managed by ClusterManager is tapped.
- CustomCap
- CustomCap with a bitmap overlay centered at the start or end vertex of a Polyline, orientated according to the direction of the line's first or last edge and scaled with respect to the line's stroke width.
- DefaultMarker
- A BitmapDescriptor using the default marker.
- FlutterGoogleStreetView
- GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform
The interface that platform-specific implementations of
must extend. - GoogleMapsInspectorPlatform
The interface that platform-specific implementations of
can extend to support state inpsection in tests. - GroundOverlay
- Ground overlay to be drawn on the map.
- GroundOverlayId
Uniquely identifies a GroundOverlay among
ground overlays. - GroundOverlayTapEvent
- An event fired when a GroundOverlay is tapped.
- GroundOverlayUpdates
- Update specification for a set of GroundOverlays.
- Heatmap
- Draws a heatmap on the map.
- HeatmapGradient
- Represents a mapping of intensity to color.
- HeatmapGradientColor
- A Color with a startPoint for use in a HeatmapGradient.
- HeatmapId
Uniquely identifies a Heatmap among
heatmaps. - HeatmapRadius
- A wrapper around platform specific behavior for the radius of a Heatmap.
- HeatmapUpdates
Heatmap update events to be applied to the
. - InfoWindow
- Text labels for a Marker info window.
- InfoWindowTapEvent
- An event fired when an InfoWindow is tapped.
- LatLng
- A pair of latitude and longitude coordinates, stored as degrees.
- LatLngBounds
- A latitude/longitude aligned rectangle.
- MapBitmap
- Represents a BitmapDescriptor base class for map bitmaps.
- MapConfiguration
- Configuration options for the GoogleMaps user interface.
T> - Generic Event coming from the native side of Maps.
- MapLongPressEvent
- An event fired when a Map is long pressed.
- MapObjects
- A container object for all the types of maps objects.
T> - A common interface for maps types.
T> -
Uniquely identifies object an among
collections of a specific type. -
T extends MapsObject< T> > - Update specification for a set of objects.
- MapTapEvent
- An event fired when a Map is tapped.
- MapWidgetConfiguration
- A container object for configuration options when building a widget.
- Marker
- Marks a geographical location on the map.
- MarkerDragEndEvent
- An event fired when a Marker is dragged to a new LatLng.
- MarkerDragEvent
- An event fired when a Marker is being dragged to a new LatLng.
- MarkerDragStartEvent
- An event fired when a Marker is starting to be dragged to a new LatLng.
- MarkerId
Uniquely identifies a Marker among
markers. - MarkerTapEvent
- An event fired when a Marker is tapped.
- MarkerUpdates
Marker update events to be applied to the
. - MethodChannelGoogleMapsFlutter
- An implementation of GoogleMapsFlutterPlatform that uses MethodChannel to communicate with the native code.
- MethodChannelStreetViewFlutter
- MinMaxZoomPreference
- Preferred bounds for map camera zoom level.
- PanoramaChangeEvent
- An event fired when the Panorama of a viewId changed.
- PanoramaClickEvent
- An event fired when the Panorama of a viewId was clicked.
- PanoramaLongClickEvent
- An event fired when the Panorama of a viewId was clicked by long press.
- PatternItem
- Item used in the stroke pattern for a Polyline.
- Polygon
- Draws a polygon through geographical locations on the map.
- PolygonId
Uniquely identifies a Polygon among
polygons. - PolygonTapEvent
- An event fired when a Polygon is tapped.
- PolygonUpdates
Polygon update events to be applied to the
. - Polyline
- Draws a line through geographical locations on the map.
- PolylineId
Uniquely identifies a Polyline among
polylines. - PolylineTapEvent
- An event fired when a Polyline is tapped.
- PolylineUpdates
Polyline update events to be applied to the
. - ScreenCoordinate
Represents a point coordinate in the
's view. - StreetViewCameraPosition
- StreetViewController
T> - StreetViewFlutterPlatform
- StreetViewPanoramaCamera
- StreetViewPanoramaLink
- StreetViewPanoramaLocation
- StreetViewPanoramaOptions
- StreetViewPanoramaOrientation
- StreetViewSource
- Tile
- Contains information about a Tile that is returned by a TileProvider.
- TileOverlay
- A set of images which are displayed on top of the base map tiles.
- TileOverlayId
Uniquely identifies a TileOverlay among
tile overlays. - TileProvider
- An interface for a class that provides the tile images for a TileOverlay.
- VariableLengthPatternItem
- A pattern item with a length, i.e. a dash or gap.
- WeightedLatLng
- A data point entry for a heatmap.
- CameraUpdateType
- Indicates which type of camera update this instance represents.
- CapType
- Enumeration of possible types of caps.
- JointType
- Joint types for Polyline.
- MapBitmapScaling
- Type of bitmap scaling to use on BitmapDescriptor creation.
- MapType
- Type of map tiles to display.
- PatternItemType
- Enumeration of types of pattern items.
- WebGestureHandling
- This setting controls how the API handles gestures on the map
Iterable< Circle> circles) → Map<CircleId, Circle> - Converts an Iterable of Circles in a Map of CircleId -> Circle.
Iterable< ClusterManager> clusterManagers) → Map<ClusterManagerId, ClusterManager> - Converts an Iterable of Cluster Managers in a Map of ClusterManagerId -> Cluster.
Iterable< GroundOverlay> groundOverlays) → Map<GroundOverlayId, GroundOverlay> - Converts an Iterable of GroundOverlay to a Map of GroundOverlayId -> GroundOverlay.
Iterable< Heatmap> heatmaps) → Map<HeatmapId, Heatmap> - Converts an Iterable of Heatmaps in a Map of HeatmapId -> Heatmap.
Iterable< Marker> markers) → Map<MarkerId, Marker> - Converts an Iterable of Markers in a Map of MarkerId -> Marker.
Iterable< Polygon> polygons) → Map<PolygonId, Polygon> - Converts an Iterable of Polygons in a Map of PolygonId -> Polygon.
Iterable< Polyline> polylines) → Map<PolylineId, Polyline> - Converts an Iterable of Polylines in a Map of PolylineId -> Polyline.
Iterable< TileOverlay> tileOverlays) → Map<TileOverlayId, TileOverlay> - Converts an Iterable of TileOverlay in a Map of TileOverlayId -> TileOverlay.
String mode) → MapBitmapScaling - Convert a string from provided JSON to a MapBitmapScaling enum.
Map param, dynamic key, dynamic value) → void -
A util to put
to json object withkey
is not null. -
Set< Circle> circles) → Object - Converts a Set of Circles into something serializable in JSON.
Set< Heatmap> heatmaps) → Object - Converts a Set of Heatmaps into something serializable in JSON.
Set< Marker> markers) → Object - Converts a Set of Markers into something serializable in JSON.
Set< Polygon> polygons) → Object - Converts a Set of Polygons into something serializable in JSON.
Set< Polyline> polylines) → Object - Converts a Set of Polylines into something serializable in JSON.
Set< TileOverlay> tileOverlays) → Object - Converts a Set of TileOverlays into something serializable in JSON.
T> = void Function(T argument) - Callback function taking a single argument.
- CameraChangeListener = void Function(StreetViewPanoramaCamera camera)
- Callback that receiving last camera position.
- CameraPositionCallback = void Function(CameraPosition position)
- Callback that receives updates to the camera position.
- PanoramaChangeListener = void Function(StreetViewPanoramaLocation location)
- Callback that receiving last panorama location and information near panoramas.
- PanoramaClickListener = void Function(StreetViewPanoramaOrientation orientation)
- Callback that receiving last tap event on current panorama.
- PanoramaLongClickListener = void Function(StreetViewPanoramaOrientation orientation)
- Callback that receiving last long tap event on current panorama.
- StreetViewCreatedCallback = void Function(StreetViewController controller)
- Callback method for when the streetView is ready to be used.
Exceptions / Errors
- MapStyleException
- Exception when a map style is invalid or was unable to be set.