findAutocompletePredictions method

  1. @override
Future<FindAutocompletePredictionsResponse> findAutocompletePredictions(
  1. String query, {
  2. List<String>? countries,
  3. List<String> placeTypesFilter = const [],
  4. bool? newSessionToken,
  5. LatLng? origin,
  6. LatLngBounds? locationBias,
  7. LatLngBounds? locationRestriction,

Fetches autocomplete predictions based on a query.

If countries] is not null, the results are restricted to those countries.

AutocompletePrediction.distanceMeters is calculated from origin, if available. If origin is null, no distances will be included in the response.

When making multiple requests, a session token is saved on one request and the same is sent to the following ones

If newSessionToken is null, a previously-saved session token will be used. If there is no previously-saved session token exist, a request without a session token will be saved and the result token will be saved.

For more about session tokens:


Future<FindAutocompletePredictionsResponse> findAutocompletePredictions(
  String query, {
  List<String>? countries,
  List<String> placeTypesFilter = const [],
  bool? newSessionToken,
  inter.LatLng? origin,
  inter.LatLngBounds? locationBias,
  inter.LatLngBounds? locationRestriction,
}) async {
  await _completer;
  if (locationRestriction != null) {
    log("locationRestriction is not supported:");
  final prom = _svcAutoComplete!.getPlacePredictions(AutocompletionRequest()
    ..input = query
    ..origin = origin == null ? null : core.LatLng(, origin.lng)
    ..types = placeTypesFilter.isEmpty ? null : placeTypesFilter
    ..componentRestrictions = (ComponentRestrictions() = countries?.jsify())
    ..bounds = _boundsToWeb(locationBias)
    ..language = _language);
  final resp = await prom;

  final predictions = resp.predictions
          .toList(growable: false);
  return FindAutocompletePredictionsResponse(predictions);