GoogleMapsPlaces class

Constructors{String? apiKey, String? baseUrl, Client? httpClient, Map<String, String>? apiHeaders})


apiHeaders Map<String, String>?
no setterinherited
apiKey String?
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
httpClient → Client
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
url Uri
no setterinherited


autocomplete(String input, {String? sessionToken, num? offset, Location? origin, Location? location, num? radius, String? language, List<String> types = const [], List<Component> components = const [], bool strictbounds = false, String? region}) Future<PlacesAutocompleteResponse>
buildAutocompleteUrl({required String input, String? sessionToken, num? offset, Location? origin, Location? location, num? radius, String? language, List<String> types = const [], List<Component> components = const [], bool strictbounds = false, String? region}) String
buildDetailsUrl({String? placeId, String? reference, String? sessionToken, String? language, List<String> fields = const [], String? region}) String
buildNearbySearchUrl({Location? location, num? radius, String? type, String? keyword, String? language, PriceLevel? minprice, PriceLevel? maxprice, String? name, String? rankby, String? pagetoken}) String
buildPhotoUrl({required String photoReference, int? maxWidth, int? maxHeight}) String
buildQuery(Map<String, dynamic> params) String
buildQueryAutocompleteUrl({required String input, num? offset, Location? location, num? radius, String? language}) String
buildTextSearchUrl({required String query, Location? location, num? radius, PriceLevel? minprice, PriceLevel? maxprice, bool opennow = false, String? type, String? pagetoken, String? language, String? region}) String
dispose() → void
doGet(String url, {Map<String, String>? headers}) Future<Response>
doPost(String url, String body, {Map<String, String>? headers}) Future<Response>
getDetailsByPlaceId(String placeId, {String? sessionToken, List<String> fields = const [], String? language, String? region}) Future<PlacesDetailsResponse>
getDetailsByReference(String reference, {String? sessionToken, List<String> fields = const [], String? language}) Future<PlacesDetailsResponse>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
queryAutocomplete(String input, {num? offset, Location? location, num? radius, String? language}) Future<PlacesAutocompleteResponse>
searchByText(String query, {Location? location, num? radius, PriceLevel? minprice, PriceLevel? maxprice, bool opennow = false, String? type, String? pagetoken, String? language, String? region}) Future<PlacesSearchResponse>
searchNearbyWithRadius(Location location, num radius, {String? type, String? keyword, String? language, PriceLevel? minprice, PriceLevel? maxprice, String? name, String? pagetoken}) Future<PlacesSearchResponse>
searchNearbyWithRankBy(Location location, String rankby, {String? type, String? keyword, String? language, PriceLevel? minprice, PriceLevel? maxprice, String? name, String? pagetoken}) Future<PlacesSearchResponse>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.