getContributionsSvg function

Future<String> getContributionsSvg(
  1. String login, {
  2. bool keepDateText = false,
  3. String from,
  4. String to,

Get user contributions data as svg string


Future<String> getContributionsSvg(
  String login, {
  bool keepDateText = false,
  String from,
  String to,
}) async {
  var url = '$login';
  if (from != null && to != null) {
    url += '?from=$from&to=$to';
  var res = await http.get(url);
  var document = parse(res.body);
  var svgNode = document.querySelector('.js-calendar-graph-svg');

  if (!keepDateText) {
    // remove text tags
    svgNode.children[0].children.forEach((child) {
      if (child.localName == 'text') {

    // resize
    // the size depend on if use check the 'Activity overview' option
    if (svgNode.attributes['width'] == '563') {
      svgNode.attributes['width'] = '528';
      svgNode.attributes['height'] = '68';
      svgNode.children[0].attributes['transform'] = 'translate(-11, 0)';
    } else {
      svgNode.attributes['width'] = '637';
      svgNode.attributes['height'] = '84';
      svgNode.children[0].attributes['transform'] = 'translate(-13, 0)';

  return svgNode?.outerHtml;