TextExistsStep function

StepDefinitionGeneric<World> TextExistsStep()

Asserts the existence of text on the screen.


Then I expect the text "Logout" to be present But I expect the text "Signup" to be absent


StepDefinitionGeneric TextExistsStep() {
  return then2<String, Existence, FlutterWorld>(
    RegExp(r'I expect the text {string} to be {existence}$'),
    (text, exists, context) async {
      if (exists == Existence.present) {
        final isPresent = await context.world.appDriver.isPresent(
          context.world.appDriver.findBy(text, FindType.text),

        context.expect(isPresent, true);
      } else {
        final isAbsent = await context.world.appDriver.isAbsent(
          context.world.appDriver.findBy(text, FindType.text),
        context.expect(isAbsent, true);