addTranslations method

void addTranslations(
  1. String locale,
  2. Map<String, dynamic> translations, {
  3. String domain = 'messages',

Stores a set of translations in the set of gettext catalogs.

final translations = {
  "myContext": {
     "hello": {
         "msgstr": ["hola"]

gt.addTranslations('es-ES', translations, domain: 'messages')

Params: locale A locale string domain A domain name translations An object of gettext-parser JSON shape


void addTranslations(
  String locale,
  Map<String, dynamic> translations, {
  String domain = 'messages',
}) {
  final catalog = catalogs[locale] ?? Catalog({});
  catalog.addTranslations(domain, Translations.fromJson(translations));

  setCatalog(locale, catalog);

  if (_locale.isEmpty) this.locale = locale;