validateKey method

dynamic validateKey(
  1. String key

Validates the inputted key and throws an error if it is invalid.

@param key The key to be verified.


validateKey(String key) {
  String? error;
  if (key is String == false) {
    error = 'key must be a string';
  } else if (key.length == 0) {
    error = 'key cannot be the empty string';
  } else if (1 + _GEOHASH_PRECISION + key.length > 755) {
    // Firebase can only stored child paths up to 768 characters
    // The child path for this key is at the least: 'i/<geohash>key'
    error = 'key is too long to be stored in Firebase';
  } else if (key.contains('/[\[\].#\$\/\u0000-\u001F\u007F]/')) {
    // Firebase does not allow node keys to contain the following characters
    error =
        "key cannot contain any of the following characters: . # /\$ ] [ /";

  if (error != null) {
    throw ('Invalid GeoFire key \'' + key + '\': ' + error);