removeValue<T> method

void removeValue<T>({
  1. bool closeSubject = false,
  2. String? token,

Puts a null value in the specified GadgetSubject stored in the map.

If closeSubject is true, the selected GadgetSubject will be closed and removed from the map.

If the specified GadgetSubject is null, the method will throw an exception.


void removeValue<T>({bool closeSubject = false, String? token}) {
  final valueKey = toValueKey(T, token: token);
  // ignore: close_sinks
  GadgetSubject<T?>? subject = _subjectMap[valueKey] as GadgetSubject<T?>?;
  if (subject == null) {
    throw StateError('Tried to remove a value from an unexsisting subject.');
  _removeFromSubject(subject, valueKey);