unregisterField method

void unregisterField(
  1. String name,
  2. FormBuilderFieldState<FormBuilderField, dynamic> field


void unregisterField(String name, FormBuilderFieldState field) {
  // Only remove the field when it is the one registered.  It's possible that
  // the field is replaced (registerField is called twice for a given name)
  // before unregisterField is called for the name, so just emit a warning
  // since it may be intentional.
  if (field == _fields[name]) {
    if (widget.clearValueOnUnregister) {
  } else {
    assert(() {
      // This is OK to ignore when you are intentionally replacing a field
      // with another field using the same name.
      debugPrint('Warning! Ignoring Field unregistration for $name'
          ' -- this is OK to ignore as long as the field was intentionally replaced');
      return true;