initDispatcher static method

void initDispatcher(
  1. TaskCallback taskCallback, {
  2. DestroyCallback? onDestroy,

Initialize Dispatcher to relay events occurring in the foreground service to taskCallback. It must always be called from a top-level function, otherwise foreground tasks will not work.


static void initDispatcher(TaskCallback taskCallback, {DestroyCallback? onDestroy}) {
  // Create a method channel to communicate with the platform.
  const _backgroundChannel = MethodChannel('flutter_foreground_task/background');

  // Binding the framework to the flutter engine.

  // Set the method call handler for the background channel.
  _backgroundChannel.setMethodCallHandler((call) async {
    final timestamp =;
    if (call.method == 'event') {
      await taskCallback(timestamp, _lookupPort());
    } else if (call.method == 'destroy') {
      if (onDestroy != null)
        await onDestroy(timestamp);

  // Initializes the plug-in background channel and starts a foreground task.