
A Flutter package to create a flash curve animation.

opacityFlash scaleFlash translateFlash rotateFlash

πŸ“± Usage

  1. Import package in your file
import 'package:flutter_flash_curve/flutter_flash_curve.dart';
  1. Use one of the FlashCurve | InFlashCurve | OutFlashCurve curve classes.

    final _controller = AnimationController(
        vsync: this,
        duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),


    final curve = FlashCurve(flashes = 8);
    // or
    // final curve = InFlashCurve(flashes = 8);
    // or
    // final curve = OutFlashCurve(flashes = 8);

    final opacityTween = Tween(begin: 1.0, end: 0.2).animate(CurvedAnimation(
        parent: _controller,
        reverseCurve: curve.flipped,
        curve: curve,


        animation: _controller,
        builder: (_, child) {
            return Opacity(
                opacity: opacityTween.value,
                child: child,
        child: const FlutterLogo(size: 100),


πŸŽ› Attributes

Attribute Data type Description Default
flashes int Number of flash periods 8

🎨 Flash Curve Types Enum

  • flash -> FlashCurveType.flash
  • inFlash -> FlashCurveType.inFlash
  • outFlash -> FlashCurveType.outFlash

πŸ“¦ Extensions

Extension Description Result
FlashCurveType->curve Returns the curve of the FlashCurveType Curve

πŸ’» Author

AnΔ±l Sorgit - GitHub