initialize method

  1. @override
Future<void> initialize({
  1. dynamic data,
  2. String? userId = "",

Initializes the provider. Should set initialized to true at the very end of the implementation.


Future<void> initialize({dynamic data, String? userId = ""}) async {
  if (initialized) {

  await service.repository.initialize();

  this.userId = userId ?? "";

  final allData = await service.getAll(userId: userId);
  if (allData.isNotEmpty) {
    _data = allData.first;
  } else if (createIfDontExist) {
    T newData = factoryFunc().copyWith(userId: userId) as T;
    newData = newData.copyWith(id: await service.create(newData)) as T;

    _data = newData;
  } else {
    _data = const InvalidObject();

  initialized = true;