getDioClient abstract method

Dio getDioClient({
  1. Duration? receiveTimeout,
  2. Duration? sendTimeout,
  3. Duration? connectTimeout,
  4. String baseUrl = '',
  5. Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
  6. List<Interceptor>? interceptors,
  7. List<int>? trustedCertificateBytes,
  8. List<String>? allowedFingerprints,


Dio getDioClient({
  Duration? receiveTimeout,
  Duration? sendTimeout,
  Duration? connectTimeout,
  String baseUrl = '',
  Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
  List<Interceptor>? interceptors,
   * static certificate bytes, meaning if user already inside the app,
   * and the certificate is not valid anymore, the user still can use the app
   * only one of trustedCertificateBytes or allowedFingerprints can be used.
   * */
  List<int>? trustedCertificateBytes,
   * static fingerprints, meaning if user already inside the app,
   * and the certificate is not valid anymore, the user still can use the app
   * only one of trustedCertificateBytes or allowedFingerprints can be used.
   * */
  List<String>? allowedFingerprints,