
Flutter library that provides a cryptography solution using a repository implementation. This library simplifies the process of handling cryptographic functions such as encryption, decryption, hashing, and digital signatures by leveraging a structured repository pattern. It is designed to be easy to integrate into any Flutter project, ensuring secure data handling and storage with a flexible and scalable architecture.



Generate Key

Generate AES Key

final key = cryptoAESRepository.getKey(32);
Parameter Name Type Required Description
size int Yes Possible values are 16, 24, or 32. Otherwise, it will throw CoreCryptoException

Get IV Key

Generate Initialization Vector Key

final ivKey = cryptoAESRepository.getIVKey();


Encrypt plain text & return base64

final encrypted = cryptoAESRepository.encrypt(key: key, ivKey: ivKey, plainText: plainText);
Parameter Name Type Required Description
key string Yes Key generated from Generate Key
ivKey string Yes Vector key generated from Get IV Key
plainText string Yes Text to be encrypted
mode AESMode no AES Encryption mode, default is AESMode.cbc


Decrypt encrypted text

final decrypted = cryptoAESRepository.decrypt(key: key, ivKey: ivKey, encryptedText: encrypted);
Parameter Name Type Required Description
key string Yes Key generated from Generate Key
ivKey string Yes Vector key generated from Get IV Key
encryptedText string Yes Encrypted text
mode AESMode no AES Encryption mode, default is AESMode.cbc


Generate Key

Generate RSA Key

final key = cryptoRSARepository.generateKey();


Encrypt plain text and return CryptoKey

final encrypted = cryptoRSARepository.encrypt(
  encodedPublicKey: key.publicKey,
  plainText: plainText,
  encoding: CoreCrytoRSAEncoding.pkcs1,
  digest: CoreCryptoRSADigest.sha256,
Parameter Name Type Required Description
encodedPublicKey string Yes Public key generated from Generate Key
encoding CoreCrytoRSAEncoding Yes -
plainText string Yes Text to be encrypted
digest CoreCryptoRSADigest yes -


Decrypt encrypted text

final decrypted = cryptoRSARepository.decrypt(
  encodedPrivateKey: key.privateKey,
  encryptedText: encrypted,
  encoding: CoreCrytoRSAEncoding.pkcs1,
  digest: CoreCryptoRSADigest.sha256,
Parameter Name Type Required Description
encodedPublicKey string Yes Public key generated from Generate Key
encoding CoreCrytoRSAEncoding Yes -
encryptedText string Yes Encrypted Text to be decrypted
digest CoreCryptoRSADigest yes -


Generate Key

Generate ED25519 Key

final key = cryptoED25519Repository.generateKey();

Generate Signature

Generate ED25519 Signature

final signature =
cryptoED25519Repository.generateSignature(encodedPrivateKey: key.privateKey, plainText: plainText);
Parameter Name Type Required Description
encodedPrivateKey string Yes Private key generated from Generate Key
plainText string Yes Text to be made into a signature

Verify Signature

Verify ED25519 Signature

final isSignatureVerified = cryptoED25519Repository.verifySignature(
  encodedPublicKey: key.publicKey,
  encodedSignature: signature,
  plainText: plainText,
Parameter Name Type Required Description
encodedPublicKey string Yes Public key generated from Generate Key
plainText string Yes Text to be verified
encodedSignature string Yes Signature to be verified by plainText