flutter_fancy_tree_view library

A collection of widgets and slivers that helps bringing hierarchical data to life.


An interface for configuring how to paint line guides in the indentation of a tree node.
AnimatedTreeView<T extends Object>
A TreeView that animates the expansion state changes of tree nodes.
The IndentGuide configuration for painting vertical lines that have a horizontal connection to its tree node.
An InheritedTheme that provides a default IndentGuide to its widget tree.
A wrapper around IconButton and AnimatedSwitcher that animates between icon, openedIcon and closedIcon depending on the value of isOpen.
The configuration used to indent and paint optional guides for tree nodes.
The IndentGuide configuration for painting vertical lines at every level of the tree.
SliverAnimatedTree<T extends Object>
A wrapper around SliverList that adds tree viewing capabilities with support for automatic expand and collapse animations.
SliverTree<T extends Object>
A wrapper around SliverList that adds basic tree viewing capabilities.
TreeController<T extends Object>
A controller used to dynamically manage the state of a tree.
TreeDragAndDropDetails<T extends Object>
The details of the drag-and-drop relationship of TreeDraggable and TreeDragTarget.
TreeDraggable<T extends Object>
A widget that wraps either Draggable or LongPressDraggable depending on the value of longPressDelay, with additional tree view capabilities.
TreeDragTarget<T extends Object>
A DragTarget wrapper that provides some additional tree view capabilities like auto toggle expansion on hover.
TreeEntry<T extends Object>
Used to store useful information about node in a tree.
Widget responsible for indenting tree nodes and painting lines (if enabled).
Represents the details of a search operation on a tree for a given node.
TreeSearchResult<T extends Object>
Represents the result of a search operation on a tree.
TreeView<T extends Object>
A widget used to visualize tree hierarchies.
TreeViewScope<T extends Object>
An InheritedWidget responsible for providing some information about a TreeView for descendant widgets.


largestPositiveInteger → const int
The default value used for IndentGuide.maxLevel.
treeRootLevel → const int
The default level used for root nodes when flattening the tree.


defaultFolderButtonTransitionBuilder(Widget child, Animation<double> animation) Widget
The default transition builder used by FolderButton.
defaultTreeTransitionBuilder(BuildContext context, Widget child, Animation<double> animation) Widget
The default transition builder used by SliverTree to animate the expansion state changes of a tree node.


ChildrenProvider<T> = Iterable<T> Function(T node)
Signature of a function that takes a T node and returns an Iterable<T>.
DescendCondition<T> = ValuePredicate<T>
Signature of a function that takes a T node and returns a bool.
ParentProvider<T> = T? Function(T node)
Signature of a function that takes a T node and returns a T? parent.
PathModifier = Path Function(Path path)
Signature for a function that takes a Path and returns a Path.
ReturnCondition<T> = ValuePredicate<T>
Signature of a function that takes a T node and returns a bool.
TreeDraggableBuilder<T extends Object> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, TreeDragAndDropDetails<T>? details)
Signature for a function used by TreeDragTarget to build a widget based on the provided details.
TreeDragTargetNodeAccepted<T extends Object> = void Function(TreeDragAndDropDetails<T> details)
Signature for a function that takes a TreeDragAndDropDetails instance. Used by TreeDragTarget to complete a drop action.
TreeNodeBuilder<T extends Object> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, TreeEntry<T> entry)
Signature of a widget builder function for tree views.
TreeTransitionBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child, Animation<double> animation)
Signature for a function that takes a widget and an animation to apply transitions if needed.
ValuePredicate<T> = bool Function(T value)
Signature of a function that takes a T value and returns a bool.
Visitor<T> = void Function(T node)
Signature of a function used to visit nodes during tree traversal.