getUserEmail method

Future<String?> getUserEmail()

Get user email.

Attention! User need to be logged in with accepted permission.

If not logged in, decline permission or error during request occurred, than returns null.


Future<String?> getUserEmail() async {
  final token = await accessToken;
  if (!_isLoggedIn(token)) {
    if (debug) _log('Not logged in. Email is null');
    return null;

  if (!token!.permissions.contains( {
    if (debug) _log('User did not accept `email` permission. Email is null');
    return null;

  try {
    final email = await _channel.invokeMethod<String>(_methodGetUserEmail);

    if (debug) _log('User email: $email');
    return email;
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    if (debug) _log('Get user email error: $e');
  return null;