SearchPersonRequest constructor

  1. ImageUpload image, {
  2. List<String>? groupIdsForSearch,
  3. double? threshold,
  4. int? limit,
  5. bool detectAll = false,
  6. OutputImageParams? outputImageParams,

Create SearchPersonRequest object.

image - Image Upload object to apply search with.

groupIdsForSearch - The Group IDs of the groups in which the search is performed.

threshold - The similarity distance threshold, should be between 0.0 and 2.0, where 0.0 is for returning results for only the most similar persons and 2.0 is for all the persons, even the dissimilar ones. Default: 1.

limit - The number of returned Persons limit. Default: 100.

detectAll - Whether to process only the one face on the image or all the faces. Default: false.

outputImageParams - If set the uploaded image is processed according to the indicated settings.


  ImageUpload image, {
  List<String>? groupIdsForSearch,
  double? threshold,
  int? limit,
  bool detectAll = false,
  OutputImageParams? outputImageParams,
})  : _imageUpload = image,
      _groupIdsForSearch = groupIdsForSearch,
      _threshold = threshold,
      _limit = limit,
      _detectAll = detectAll,
      _outputImageParams = outputImageParams;