
pub package

English, 日本語

flutter_expandable_fab is the speed dial FAB that can show/hide multiple action buttons with animation.
This is an extension of the code in this article.

Fan style & Blur overlay

Vertical style & Color overlay

Horizontal style & Custom buttons

Getting started

import 'package:flutter_expandable_fab/flutter_expandable_fab.dart';

  floatingActionButtonLocation: ExpandableFab.location,
  floatingActionButton: ExpandableFab(
    children: [
        heroTag: null,
        child: const Icon(Icons.edit),
        onPressed: () {},
        heroTag: null,
        child: const Icon(Icons.search),
        onPressed: () {},

Open/Close programmatically

final _key = GlobalKey<ExpandableFabState>();

  floatingActionButtonLocation: ExpandableFab.location,
  floatingActionButton: ExpandableFab(
    key: _key,
    children: [
        child: const Icon(Icons.edit),
        onPressed: () {
          final state = _key.currentState;
          if (state != null) {


Property Description Default
distance Distance from children 100
duration Animation duration 250ms
fanAngle Angle of opening when fan type 90
initialOpen Open at initial display false
type The type of behavior of this widget fan
closeButtonStyle Style of the close button
child The widget below this widget in the tree
childrenOffset For positioning of children widgets
children The widgets below this widget in the tree
foregroundColor The default foreground color for icons and text within the button
backgroundColor The button's background color
onOpen Will be called before opening the menu
afterOpen Will be called after opening the menu
onClose Will be called before the menu closes
afterClose Will be called after the menu closes
overlayStyle Provides the style for overlay. No overlay when null.
openButtonHeroTag The tag to apply to the open button's Hero widget.
closeButtonHeroTag The tag to apply to the close button's Hero widget.
collapsedFabSize The size of the collapsed FAB. regular
expandedFabSize The size of the expanded FAB. small
expandedFabShape The shape of the expanded FAB's
collapsedFabShape The shape of the collapsed FAB's