memoize function
Returns a memoized version of func
The function result is cached based on its arguments. Subsequent calls with the same arguments return the cached result.
int compute(int x) {
return x * x;
var memoizedCompute = memoize(compute);
memoizedCompute(2); // Prints 'Computing...' and returns 4
memoizedCompute(2); // Returns 4 without printing
Function memoize(Function func) {
final cache = HashMap<List<dynamic>, dynamic>(
equals: (a, b) => a.length == b.length && const ListEquality<dynamic>().equals(a, b),
hashCode: (key) => key.fold(0, (prev, element) => prev ^ element.hashCode),
return (List<dynamic> args) {
if (cache.containsKey(args)) {
return cache[args];
} else {
final result = Function.apply(func, args);
cache[args] = result;
return result;