generateEnvFile method

Future<void> generateEnvFile()

Generates a JSON ENV File For Dart Define


Future<void> generateEnvFile() async {
  // Define the JSON content for each environment
  final Map<String, dynamic> devEnvironment = {
    'apiBaseUrl': '',
    'debugMode': true,

  final Map<String, dynamic> stagingEnvironment = {
    'apiBaseUrl': '',
    'debugMode': true,

  final Map<String, dynamic> prodEnvironment = {
    'apiBaseUrl': '',
    'debugMode': false,

  // Convert maps to JSON strings with prettified formatting
  final devJson = const JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ').convert(devEnvironment);
  final stagingJson =
      const JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ').convert(stagingEnvironment);
  final prodJson =
      const JsonEncoder.withIndent('  ').convert(prodEnvironment);

  // Write JSON content to files
  await writeFile(
    filePath: 'env_dev.json',
    content: devJson,

  await writeFile(
    filePath: 'env_staging.json',
    content: stagingJson,

  await writeFile(
    filePath: 'env_prod.json',
    content: prodJson,