RefreshControlBuilder typedef

RefreshControlBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, RefreshMode refreshState, double pulledExtent, double refreshTriggerPullDistance, double refreshIndicatorExtent, AxisDirection axisDirection, bool float, Duration? completeDuration, bool enableInfiniteRefresh, bool success, bool noMore)

Signature for a builder that can create a different widget to show in the refresh indicator space depending on the current state of the refresh control and the space available.

The refreshTriggerPullDistance and refreshIndicatorExtent parameters are the same values passed into the EasyRefreshSliverRefreshControl.

The pulledExtent parameter is the currently available space either from overscrolling or as held by the sliver during refresh.


typedef RefreshControlBuilder = Widget Function(
    BuildContext context,
    RefreshMode refreshState,
    double pulledExtent,
    double refreshTriggerPullDistance,
    double refreshIndicatorExtent,
    AxisDirection axisDirection,
    bool float,
    Duration? completeDuration,
    bool enableInfiniteRefresh,
    bool success,
    bool noMore);