
This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package.It provides a set of methods/extensions for Flutter that make using the framework much easier and cleaner, adds additional functionality, and provides tools and parts needed to build your project faster.


Dynamic Type Conversion: Easily convert dynamic types to String, int, or double with error handling.

String Manipulation and Validation: Validate mobile numbers and emails, trim strings, format strings as prices, and more.

TextEditingController Extensions: Get trimmed text from TextEditingController and check if it is empty.

GapSizer: Simplify adding horizontal and vertical gaps using SizedBox.

File Utilities: Get the size of a file in megabytes.

Logging Utilities: Log messages and exceptions for debugging purposes.

HexColor: Convert colors between hexadecimal strings and Color objects.

Flutter Easy Utility


To use this package, add flutter_easy_utility as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.


1. convertToString

-Converts any dynamic type to a String. -Trims the string and returns it. -If an error occurs, it logs the error and returns an empty string.

String strValue = "   Abc   ";

Text("Converted String to String: ${convertToString(strValue)}"),
Text("Converted String to Int: ${convertToInt(strValue)}"),
Text("Converted String to Double: ${convertToDouble(strValue)}"),

2. convertToInt

-Converts any dynamic type to an int. -If the dynamic type is a String, it parses it to a double first and then converts to int by rounding up. -If an error occurs, it logs the error and returns 0.

int iValue = 56;

Text("Converted Int to Int: ${convertToInt(iValue)}"),
Text("Converted Int to String: ${convertToString(iValue)}"),
Text("Converted Int to Double: ${convertToDouble(iValue)}"),

3. convertToDouble

-Converts any dynamic type to a double. -Replaces any commas in the string representation before parsing. -If an error occurs, it logs the error and returns 0.00.

double dValue = 9925.56;

Text("Converted Double to Double: ${convertToDouble(dValue)}"),
Text("Converted Double to String: ${convertToString(dValue)}"),
Text("Converted Double to Int: ${convertToInt(dValue)}"),

4. isValidMobileNumber

-Checks if a string contains a valid mobile number. -Removes non-digit characters and checks if the length is between 5 and 15 digits and contains only digits.

final TextEditingController _mobileController = TextEditingController();
String _validationMessageForNumber = "";

  keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
  controller: _mobileController,
  decoration: InputDecoration(
    filled: true,
    fillColor: Colors.white,
    border: OutlineInputBorder(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
    labelText: "Enter mobile number",
  onPressed: () {
    setState(() {
      _validationMessageForNumber = _mobileController.text.isValidMobileNumber()
          ? "Valid mobile number"
          : "Invalid mobile number";
  child: const Text("Validate Mobile Number"),
Text("Mobile number validation: $_validationMessageForNumber"),//Outputs: Validation message for mobile number

5. isEmptyOrNull

-Checks if a string is either null or empty after trimming whitespace.

String strValue = "   Abc   ";

Text("Check the message emptyOrNull: ${strValue.isEmptyOrNull()}"),

6. isNotEmptyAndNotNull

-Checks if a string is neither null nor empty after trimming whitespace.

String strValue = "   Abc   ";

Text("Check the message isNotEmptyAndNotNull: ${strValue.isNotEmptyAndNotNull()}"),

7. trimString

-Trims whitespace from a string. -Returns an empty string if the original string is null or the string "null".

String strValue = "   Abc   ";

Text("Trim the String: ${strValue.trimString()}"),

8. convertToLowerCase

-Trims whitespace from a string and converts it to lowercase.

String strValue = "   Abc   ";

Text("Convert the message to lowerCase: ${strValue.convertToLowerCase()}"),

9. convertToPrice

-Trims whitespace from a string and formats it as a price with a specified currency sign.

String price = "2500";

Text("Convert to price: ${price.convertToPrice("₹")}"),

10. isValidEmail

-Checks if a string is a valid email using a regular expression.

final TextEditingController _emailController = TextEditingController();
String _validationMessageForEmail = "";

  controller: _emailController,
  decoration: InputDecoration(
    filled: true,
    fillColor: Colors.white,
    border: OutlineInputBorder(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8),
    labelText: "Enter email-id",
  onPressed: () {
    setState(() {
      _validationMessageForEmail = _emailController.text.isValidEmail()
          ? "Valid email-id"
          : "Invalid email-id";
  child: const Text("Validate Email-id"),
Text("Email-id validation: $_validationMessageForEmail"),//Outputs; Validation message for email-id

11. printLog

-Logs a message to the console if the message is not empty.

printLog("This is a log message");

12. printExceptionLog

-Logs an exception to the console if the exception is not null.

try {
  throw Exception("An error occurred");
} catch (ex) {

13. getFileSize

-Calculates the size of a file in megabytes. -Reads the file bytes, converts to kilobytes, and then to megabytes. -Logs an error if an exception occurs and returns 0.

File file = File('path/to/your/file.txt');
double fileSize = Utility().getFileSize(file);
print(fileSize); // Outputs: File size in MB

14. GapSizer

-> heightGap: -Creates a SizedBox with a height equal to the value of the number. -Useful for adding vertical space between widgets. -> widthGap: -Creates a SizedBox with a width equal to the value of the number. -Useful for adding horizontal space between widgets.

  children: [
    Text("Hello Users"),
      children: [
        Text("Simple text1"),
        Text("Simple text2"),

15. HexColor

->fromHex: -Creates a Color object from a hex string. -The string can be in the format "aabbcc" or "ffaabbcc" with an optional leading "#". -If the string is 6 characters long, it assumes full opacity (ff). ->toHex: -Converts a Color object to a hex string. -The string will be in the format "#aabbcc" or "aabbcc". -The leadingHashSign parameter adds a hash sign at the beginning if set to true (default).

  padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8),
  color: HexColor.fromHex("#00ff00"),
  child: const Text("Hex color"),