copyWith method

PointConnection copyWith({
  1. GlobeCoordinates? start,
  2. GlobeCoordinates? end,
  3. String? label,
  4. TextStyle? labelTextStyle,
  5. String? id,
  6. Widget? labelBuilder(
    1. BuildContext context,
    2. PointConnection pointConnection,
    3. bool isHovering,
    4. bool isVisible,
  7. bool? isMoving,
  8. bool? isLabelVisible,
  9. Offset? labelOffset,
  10. PointConnectionStyle? style,
  11. VoidCallback? onTap,
  12. VoidCallback? onHover,

Creates a new PointConnection instance with updated properties.

The start, end, label, labelTextStyle, id, labelBuilder, isMoving, isLabelVisible, labelOffset, style, onTap, and onHover parameters represent the updated properties of the connection.


PointConnection copyWith({
  GlobeCoordinates? start,
  GlobeCoordinates? end,
  String? label,
  TextStyle? labelTextStyle,
  String? id,
  Widget? Function(BuildContext context, PointConnection pointConnection,
          bool isHovering, bool isVisible)?
  bool? isMoving,
  bool? isLabelVisible,
  Offset? labelOffset,
  PointConnectionStyle? style,
  VoidCallback? onTap,
  VoidCallback? onHover,
}) {
  return PointConnection(
    start: start ?? this.start,
    end: end ?? this.end,
    label: label ?? this.label,
    labelOffset: labelOffset ?? this.labelOffset,
    labelBuilder: labelBuilder ?? this.labelBuilder,
    labelTextStyle: labelTextStyle ?? this.labelTextStyle,
    id: id ??,
    isMoving: isMoving ?? this.isMoving,
    isLabelVisible: isLabelVisible ?? this.isLabelVisible,
    style: style ??,
    onTap: onTap ?? this.onTap,
    onHover: onHover ?? this.onHover,