isPointOnPath function

bool isPointOnPath(
  1. Offset point,
  2. Path path,
  3. double pathWidth

Checks if the given point lies on the specified path. Returns true if the point is on the path, otherwise returns false.


bool isPointOnPath(Offset point, Path path, double pathWidth) {
  PathMetric? pathMetric = path.computeMetrics().firstOrNull;
  if (pathMetric == null) return false;
  double totalLength = pathMetric.length;
  double strokeWidth = pathWidth.clamp(4, 100);

  for (double d = 0.0; d <= totalLength; d += 1) {
    Tangent? tangent = pathMetric.getTangentForOffset(d);
    if (tangent == null) continue;

    // Check if the point is within stroke the width of the path
    if ((tangent.position - point).distance <= strokeWidth) {
      return true;

  return false;