playTone static method
Plays the DTMF Tones Associated with the digits
. Each tone is played for the duration durationMs
in milliseconds
at the specified volume. If no volume is specified, the system default is used. Volume value should be between
0 and 1.
Returns true if tone played successfully
static Future<bool?> playTone(
{required String digits,
int? durationMs,
double? samplingRate,
double? volume}) async {
if (samplingRate == null) {
samplingRate = 500;
if (durationMs == null) {
durationMs = 160;
final Map<String, Object?> args = <String, dynamic>{
"digits": digits,
"samplingRate": samplingRate,
"durationMs": durationMs,
"volume": volume
return await _channel.invokeMethod('playTone', args);