playTone static method

Future<bool?> playTone({
  1. required String digits,
  2. int? durationMs,
  3. double? samplingRate,
  4. double? volume,

Plays the DTMF Tones Associated with the digits. Each tone is played for the duration durationMs in milliseconds at the specified volume. If no volume is specified, the system default is used. Volume value should be between 0 and 1. Returns true if tone played successfully


static Future<bool?> playTone(
    {required String digits,
    int? durationMs,
    double? samplingRate,
    double? volume}) async {
  if (samplingRate == null) {
    samplingRate = 500;
  if (durationMs == null) {
    durationMs = 160;
  final Map<String, Object?> args = <String, dynamic>{
    "digits": digits,
    "samplingRate": samplingRate,
    "durationMs": durationMs,
    "volume": volume
  return await _channel.invokeMethod('playTone', args);