retry static method

Future<String?> retry({
  1. required String taskId,
  2. bool requiresStorageNotLow = true,
  3. int timeout = 15000,

Retries a failed download task.


  • taskId: unique identifier of a failed download task
  • timeout: http request connection timeout. Android only.


An unique identifier of a new download task that is created to start the failed download progress from the beginning


static Future<String?> retry({
  required String taskId,
  bool requiresStorageNotLow = true,
  int timeout = 15000,
}) async {
  assert(_initialized, 'plugin flutter_downloader is not initialized');

  try {
    return await _channel.invokeMethod('retry', {
      'task_id': taskId,
      'requires_storage_not_low': requiresStorageNotLow,
      'timeout': timeout,
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    return null;