enqueue static method

Future<String?> enqueue({
  1. required String url,
  2. required String savedDir,
  3. String? fileName,
  4. Map<String, String> headers = const {},
  5. bool showNotification = true,
  6. bool openFileFromNotification = true,
  7. bool requiresStorageNotLow = true,
  8. bool saveInPublicStorage = false,
  9. bool allowCellular = true,
  10. int timeout = 15000,

Creates a new task which downloads a file from url to savedDir and returns a unique identifier of that new download task.

Name of the downloaded file is determined from the HTTP response and from the url. Set fileName if you want a custom filename.

savedDir must be an absolute path.

headers are HTTP headers that will be sent with the request.


If showNotification is true, a notification with the current download progress will be shown.

If requiresStorageNotLow is true, the download won't run unless the device's available storage is at an acceptable level.

If openFileFromNotification is true, the user can tap on the notification to open the downloaded file. If it is false, nothing happens when the tapping the notification.

Android Q (API 29) changed the APIs for accessing external storage. This means that apps must store their data in an app-specific directory on external storage. If you want to save the file in the public Downloads directory instead, set saveInPublicStorage to true. In that case, savedDir will be ignored.

timeout is the HTTP connection timeout.


static Future<String?> enqueue({
  required String url,
  required String savedDir,
  String? fileName,
  Map<String, String> headers = const {},
  bool showNotification = true,
  bool openFileFromNotification = true,
  bool requiresStorageNotLow = true,
  bool saveInPublicStorage = false,
  bool allowCellular = true,
  int timeout = 15000,
}) async {
  assert(_initialized, 'plugin flutter_downloader is not initialized');
  assert(Directory(savedDir).existsSync(), 'savedDir does not exist');

  try {
    final taskId = await _channel.invokeMethod<String>('enqueue', {
      'url': url,
      'saved_dir': savedDir,
      'file_name': fileName,
      'headers': jsonEncode(headers),
      'show_notification': showNotification,
      'open_file_from_notification': openFileFromNotification,
      'requires_storage_not_low': requiresStorageNotLow,
      'save_in_public_storage': saveInPublicStorage,
      'timeout': timeout,
      'allow_cellular': allowCellular,

    if (taskId == null) {
      throw const FlutterDownloaderException(
        message: '`enqueue` returned null taskId',

    return taskId;
  } on FlutterDownloaderException catch (err) {
    _log('Failed to enqueue. Reason: ${err.message}');
  } on PlatformException catch (err) {
    _log('Failed to enqueue. Reason: ${err.message}');

  return null;