flutter_document_reader_api library
Regula Document Reader SDK
- AccessControlProcedureType
- Structure is used to describe the results of a single authentication procedure or a procedure of secure data access within the context of the communication session with electronic document.
- Application
- Structure is used to describe the contents of a single LDS applica-tion and their analysis within the context of the communication session with electronic document.
- Attribute
- AuthenticityCheck
- AuthenticityElement
- AuthenticityParams
- AuthenticityResult
- Authority
- BackendProcessingConfig
- BarcodeField
- Structure describing single value of the field.
- BarcodeResult
- Structure, describing single barcode extracted.
- BytesData
- CameraSize
- CardProperties
- Structure is used to store extended information about the characteristics of the RFID-chip located in the scope of the reader.
- CertificateChain
- CertificateData
- Comparison
- Structure describing single value of the field.
- Coordinate
- Structure describing point coordinate.
- Customization
- Params that relate to the camera view controller customization and etc.
- CustomizationColors
- CustomizationFonts
- CustomizationImages
- DataField
- DocReaderException
- DocReaderScenario
- DocReaderVersion
- Class contains properties to get the information about the SDK.
- DocumentReader
- Entry point of the Regula DocumentReader SDK.
- DocumentsDatabase
- Class contains properties to get the information about the database.
- DocumentType
- DTCDataGroups
- EDLDataGroups
- EIDDataGroups
- EPassportDataGroups
- Extension
- FaceApiParams
- FaceApiSearchParams
- File
- FileData
- Font
- Functionality
- Params that influence the scanning process, camera view controller customization and etc.
- GlaresCheckParams
- GraphicField
- Structure, describing single graphic field extracted.
- GraphicResult
- Structure, containing all graphic fields extracted.
- ImageInputData
- ImageQA
- Class contains properties to configure image quality.
- ImageQuality
- Structure, containing information about single image quality check.
- ImageQualityGroup
- Structure, containing overall data about quality checks performed.
- InitConfig
- A configuration file for DocumentReader initialization. Controls initialization time properties such as licenseUpdate and delayedNNLoad.
- License
- Class contains properties to get the information about the license.
- LivenessParams
- OnlineProcessingConfig
- OpticalStatus
- Container for an optical related scanning statuses.
- PAAttribute
- PAResourcesIssuer
- PDF417Info
- PKDCertificate
- Class contains information about PKD certificate.
- Position
- Structure is used for storing element bounds detection result._
- PrepareProgress
- Class contains info about database preparation progress.
- ProcessParams
- Params that influence the scanning process.
- RecognizeConfig
- Image processing configuration.
- Rect
- Results
- Class describing results returned on completion of Document Reader work.
- ResultsStatus
- Provision of document verification status.
- RFIDConfig
- A configuration file for the RFID chip processing.
- RFIDException
- RFIDNotification
- Structure containing data of notification about RFID reading process.
- RFIDOrigin
- Structure containing rfid origin values.
- RFIDParams
- RFIDScenario
- Params that influence the RFID chip processing.
- RFIDSessionData
- Used to describe the results of work with the SDK within the context of the current communication session with electronic document.
- RFIDStatus
- Container for a RFID related scanning statuses.
- RFIDValidity
- RFIDValue
- ScannerConfig
- SecurityObject
- Structure is used to describe the contents of a single document security object (SO) and the results of its check within the context of the communication session with electronic document.
- SecurityObjectCertificates
- SignerInfo
- Structure is used to store the result of the verification of a single digital signature of the number present in EF.SOD.
- Symbol
- Structure describing single value of the field.
- TAChallenge
- TccParams
- TCC service related parameters for RFID session configuration.
- TextField
- Serves for storing information from one text data field.
- TextResult
- Structure, containing all text data extracted and recognized from the document.
- TextSource
- Structure describing single value of the field.
- TransactionInfo
- Validity
- Structure describing single value of the field.
- Value
- Structure describing single value of the field.
- Visible Digital Seal for Non Constrained environments.
- Authenticity
- Enumeration contains identifiers that determine the possibility of performing different authenticity control procedures using images for definite lighting schemes.
- BarcodeStatus
- BarcodeType
- Enumeration contains the types of barcodes that can be processed.
- CameraMode
- CameraPosition
- Cap
- CaptureMode
- CaptureSessionPreset
- CheckDiagnose
- Enumeration contains identificators that determine the result of the text field comparison from different sources.
- CheckResult
- CustomButtonTag
- Button tags for UI customization.
- DocFormat
- Defining the geometric format of documents in accordance with ISO / IEC 7810.
- DocReaderAction
- Contains all possible DocumentReaderNotification callback codes
- DocReaderFrame
- DocReaderOrientation
- Contains set of values of the application's orientation.
- DocType
- ErrorCodes
- Enum contains all possible error codes
- FieldType
- Enum contains identifiers that determine the logical type of text data obtained while reading MRZ, document filling fields, and barcodes.
- FontStyle
- FrameShapeType
- GraphicFieldType
- Enumeration contains identifiers that determine the logical type of the graphic data obtained while reading the document filling fields or barcodes.
- ImageFormat
- ImageQualityCheckType
- Enumeration contains a language ID that identifies a particular language.
- LDSParsingErrorCodes
- LDSParsingNotificationCodes
- Lights
- Enumeration contains a set of identifiers used for identifying the document reader possibilities, specifying lighting schemes for scanning, etc.
- LogLevel
- MeasureSystem
- The constants of the enumeration identify the system for measuring distances and weight.
- MrzDetectionModes
- Enumeration contains the types of barcodes that can be processed.
- MRZFormat
- OnlineMode
- PKDResourceType
- ProcessingFinishedStatus
- Enumeration contains identifiers that determine the processing finish status.
- ResultType
- Enumeration contains a pool of constants that determine the type of resulting data formed during the data scanning and processing cycle and passed to the user application.
- RFIDAccessControlProcedureType
- RFIDApplicationType
- Type of application of electronic document.
- RFIDAuthenticationProcedureType
- RFIDCertificateType
- RFIDDataFileType
- Enumeration contains a set of constants that define the file type (or logical belonging of the data object) within the context of the communication session with electronic document.
- RFIDErrorCodes
- RFIDNotificationCodes
- Enumeration contains a set of notification returned to the user application by calling the callback-function.
- RFIDPasswordType
- RFIDSDKProfilerType
- RFIDTerminalType
- Scenario
- SecurityFeatureType
- Enumeration contains identifiers that determine the types of elements for the document authenticity check.
- SignManagementAction
- ViewContentMode
Clone of iOS native enum
- ChipDetectedCompletion = void Function()
- Callback for receiving signal when RFID chip is recognized by a phone and chip reading is started.
- CustomButtonTappedCompletion = void Function(int tag)
- Callback for receiving signal, when a custom button, configured in Customization.uiCustomizationLayer, is pressed.
- DocumentReaderCompletion = void Function(DocReaderAction action, Results? results, DocReaderException? error)
- Callback for receiving answer from processing engine.
- DocumentReaderPrepareCompletion = void Function(PrepareProgress progress)
- Callback for receiving notifications on Documents Database preparation.
- FinalizePackageCompletion = (DocReaderAction, TransactionInfo?, DocReaderException?)
- Type for receiving answer after backend processing has finished.
- PaCertificateCompletion = void Function(Uint8List serialNumber, PAResourcesIssuer? issuer, PKDCertificateRequest request)
- Callback for receiving RFID request data
= Future<
void> Function(List<PKDCertificate> ? certificates) - Provided to a user for passing PKDCertificates to the native part of DocumentReader.
- RetryReadChipCompletion = void Function(RFIDException error)
- Fires when RFID chip reading was interrupted with no severe reasons (for example connection to the chip was lost) and will be reestablished automatically.
- RFIDCompletion = void Function(DocReaderAction action, Results? results, RFIDException? error)
- Callback for receiving answer from processing engine.
- RFIDProgressCompletion = void Function(RFIDNotification notification)
- Completion for reveiving notification about RFID reading process.
- SuccessOrError = (bool, DocReaderException?)
- A type specifically made for receiving answer from any function which does not return anything, but we need to know whether the function has succeeded or not.
- TaCertificateCompletion = void Function(String? keyCAR, PKDCertificateRequest request)
- Callback for receiving RFID request data
- TaSignatureCompletion = void Function(TAChallenge? challenge, TASignatureRequest request)
- Callback for receiving RFID request data
= Future<
void> Function(ByteData? signature) - Provided to a user for passing TASignature to the native part of DocumentReader.
- VideoEncoderCompletion = void Function(String filePath)
- Callback that allows user to receive a video file of current session. Called by DocumentReader when recording process finished.