livenessAnimationPositionMultiplier property

double? get livenessAnimationPositionMultiplier

Allows you to change the location of the liveness animation.

For example, if you set the multiplier to 0.5 and the number of pixels by vertical is equal to 800, the animation will be centralized and located at 200 px from the top, i.e. (800 / 2) * 0.5 = 200 px. If the multiplier is set to 1, the animation will be centered. If the multiplier is set to 0, the default value will be used.

Defaults to 1.


double? get livenessAnimationPositionMultiplier =>
set livenessAnimationPositionMultiplier (double? val)


set livenessAnimationPositionMultiplier(double? val) {
  _livenessAnimationPositionMultiplier = val;
  _set({"livenessAnimationPositionMultiplier": val});