Dismissible tile and animated background on swipe. Swipe to trigger an action.
The package is fork of Dismissible. Without any up, down or vertical swipe.
Getting Started
In the pubspec.yaml
of your flutter project, add the following dependency:
flutter_dismissible_tile: any
Import it:
import 'package:flutter_dismissible_tile/flutter_dismissible_tile.dart';
key: UniqueKey(),
padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 8),
borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(16)),
delayBeforeResize: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
ltrBackground: const ColoredBox(color: Colors.yellowAccent),
rtlBackground: const ColoredBox(color: Colors.greenAccent),
ltrDismissedColor: Colors.lightBlueAccent,
rtlDismissedColor: Colors.redAccent,
ltrOverlay: const Text('Add'),
ltrOverlayDismissed: const Text('Added'),
rtlOverlay: const Text('Delete'),
rtlOverlayDismissed: const Text('Deleted'),
child: // add your widget here
You can read all the information about DismissibleTile properties below.
const DismissibleTile({
required Key key,
required this.child,
this.ltrOverlayTransitionBuilder = overlayTransitionBuilder,
this.rtlOverlayTransitionBuilder = overlayTransitionBuilder,
this.ltrOverlayIndent = 24.0,
this.rtlOverlayIndent = 24.0,
this.padding = EdgeInsets.zero,
this.borderRadius = BorderRadius.zero,
this.direction = DismissibleTileDirection.horizontal,
this.resizeDuration = const Duration(seconds: 1),
this.movementDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
this.overlayTransitionDuration = const Duration(milliseconds: 300),
this.dismissThresholds = const <DismissibleTileDirection, double>{},
this.crossAxisEndOffset = 0.0,
this.behavior = HitTestBehavior.opaque,
/// The widget below this widget in the tree.
/// {@macro flutter.widgets.ProxyWidget.child}
final Widget child;
/// The amount of space by which to inset the child.
final EdgeInsets padding;
/// The border radius of the rounded corners.
/// Values are clamped so that horizontal and vertical radii sums do not
/// exceed width/height.
final BorderRadiusGeometry borderRadius;
/// A widget that is stacked behind the child. If [rtlBackground] is
/// also specified then this widget only appears when the child has been
/// dragged to the right.
final Widget? ltrBackground;
/// A widget that is stacked behind the child and is exposed when the child
/// has been dragged to the left. It may only be specified when
/// [ltrBackground] has also been specified.
final Widget? rtlBackground;
/// A Color that is stacked behind the child and over [ltrBackground]
/// and is exposed when the child has been dragged to the right.
final Color? ltrDismissedColor;
/// A Color that is stacked behind the child and over [rtlBackground]
/// and is exposed when the child has been dragged to the left.
final Color? rtlDismissedColor;
/// A Widget that is stacked behind the child and over [ltrDismissedColor]
/// and is exposed when the child has been dragged to the right.
final Widget? ltrOverlay;
/// A Widget that is stacked behind the child and over [rtlDismissedColor]
/// and is exposed when the child has been dragged to the left.
final Widget? rtlOverlay;
/// The widget that is displayed instead of [ltrOverlay] when [confirmDismiss]
/// returns true.
/// If [confirmDismiss] returned false or null then the widget is not displayed.
final Widget? ltrOverlayDismissed;
/// The widget that is displayed instead of [rtlOverlay] when [confirmDismiss]
/// returns true.
/// If [confirmDismiss] returned false or null then the widget is not displayed.
final Widget? rtlOverlayDismissed;
/// Signature for builders used to generate custom transitions for [ltrOverlay].
/// The `child` should be transitioning in when the `animation` is running in
/// the forward direction.
/// The function should return a widget which wraps the given `child`. It may
/// also use the `animation` to inform its transition. It must not return null.
final AnimatedSwitcherTransitionBuilder ltrOverlayTransitionBuilder;
/// Signature for builders used to generate custom transitions for [rtlOverlay].
/// The `child` should be transitioning in when the `animation` is running in
/// the forward direction.
/// The function should return a widget which wraps the given `child`. It may
/// also use the `animation` to inform its transition. It must not return null.
final AnimatedSwitcherTransitionBuilder rtlOverlayTransitionBuilder;
/// Indent for [ltrOverlay] on the right. Used for case, when [ltrOverlay] is
/// shown earlier than [ltrDismissedColor] is appeared.
final double ltrOverlayIndent;
/// Indent for [rtlOverlay] on the left. Used for case, when [rtlOverlay] is
/// shown earlier than [rtlDismissedColor] is appeared.
final double rtlOverlayIndent;
/// Gives the app an opportunity to confirm or veto a pending dismissal.
/// The widget cannot be dragged again until the returned future resolves.
/// If the returned Future<bool> completes true, then this widget will be
/// dismissed, otherwise it will be moved back to its original location.
/// If the returned Future<bool?> completes to false or null the [onResize]
/// and [onDismissed] callbacks will not run.
final Future<bool?> Function(DismissibleTileDirection direction)? confirmDismiss;
/// Called when the widget can be dismissed before resizing begins.
/// It will be called before the start of the [delayBeforeResize] delay.
final void Function()? onDismissConfirmed;
/// Called when the widget changes size (i.e., when contracting before being dismissed).
final VoidCallback? onResize;
/// Called when the widget has been dismissed, after finishing resizing.
final void Function(DismissibleTileDirection direction)? onDismissed;
/// The direction in which the widget can be dismissed.
final DismissibleTileDirection direction;
/// Defines a delay before the resize animation starts.
/// if null, then the resize animation starts immediately.
final Duration? delayBeforeResize;
/// The painter that is stacked behind the child and over the background
/// and behind the overlay widget.
final CustomPainter Function(double indent,
Animation<double> animation,
DismissibleTileDirection direction,
)? onDismissiblePainter;
/// The amount of time the widget will spend contracting before [onDismissed]
/// is called.
/// If null, the widget will not contract and [onDismissed] will be called
/// immediately after the widget is dismissed.
final Duration? resizeDuration;
/// Defines the duration for card to dismiss or to come back to original
/// position if not dismissed.
final Duration movementDuration;
/// Defines the duration of the animation switching between the overlay and
/// the dismissedOverlay
/// if the dismissedOverlay == null, then the animation is not used
final Duration overlayTransitionDuration;
/// The offset threshold the item has to be dragged in order to be considered
/// dismissed.
/// Represented as a fraction, e.g. if it is 0.4 (the default), then the item
/// has to be dragged at least 40% towards one direction to be considered
/// dismissed. Clients can define different thresholds for each dismiss
/// direction.
/// Flinging is treated as being equivalent to dragging almost to 1.0, so
/// flinging can dismiss an item past any threshold less than 1.0.
/// Setting a threshold of 1.0 (or greater) prevents a drag in the given
/// [DismissibleTileDirection] even if it would be allowed by the [direction]
/// property.
final Map<DismissibleTileDirection, double> dismissThresholds;
/// Defines the end offset across the main axis after the card is dismissed.
/// If non-zero value is given then widget moves in cross direction depending
/// on whether it is positive or negative.
final double crossAxisEndOffset;
/// How to behave during hit tests.
/// This defaults to [HitTestBehavior.opaque].
final HitTestBehavior behavior;
/// Called when the dismissible widget has been dragged.
/// If [onUpdate] is not null, then it will be invoked for every pointer event
/// to dispatch the latest state of the drag. For example, this callback
/// can be used to for example change the color of the background widget
/// depending on whether the dismiss threshold is currently reached.
final DismissTileUpdateCallback? onUpdate;