prettyList function

String prettyList(
  1. List list, {
  2. String indent = ' ',

Converts a List into a formatted, human-readable string representation.

This function iterates through each element of the list, applying formatting similar to prettyMap for nested maps and lists to create a readable string layout. Each element in the list is formatted with indentation to align visually in the list structure.

  • Parameters:
    • list: The list to be formatted.
    • indent: The string used for indentation, with a default of two spaces.

Returns a string representation of the list, formatted for readability.


String prettyList(List<dynamic> list, {String indent = '  '}) {
  String prettyString = '[\n';
  for (var value in list) {
    prettyString += indent;
    if (value is Map<String, dynamic>) {
      prettyString += prettyMap(value, indent: '$indent  ');
    } else if (value is List) {
      prettyString += prettyList(value, indent: '$indent  ');
    } else {
      prettyString += '$value';
    prettyString += ',\n';
  prettyString += '$indent]';
  return prettyString.trim();