ViewerSectionUnion.component constructor

const ViewerSectionUnion.component({
  1. required String id,
  2. required String title,
  3. String? description,
  4. required String ctorName,
  5. String? designLink,
  6. required ViewerWidgetBuilder builder,
  7. @Default([]) List<ViewerComponentExample> examples,
  8. required ViewerSourceCode sourceCode,


const factory ViewerSectionUnion.component({
  /// Id of the section.
  required String id,

  /// Title of the section.
  required String title,

  /// Description of the section.
  String? description,

  /// Name of the widget constructor.
  required String ctorName,

  /// Link to a design file of the widget.
  String? designLink,

  /// Widget builder to construct the widget with available data builders.
  required ViewerWidgetBuilder builder,

  /// Examples with the constructor
  @Default([]) List<ViewerComponentExample> examples,

  /// Widget source code information.
  required ViewerSourceCode sourceCode,
}) = ViewerComponentSection;