flutter_datetime_picker_pro library




am → const String
Outputs if hour is AM or PM
d → const String
Outputs day compactly
D → const String
Outputs week day as long name
dd → const String
Outputs day as two digits
h → const String
Outputs hour (0 - 11) compactly
H → const String
Outputs hour (0 to 23) compactly
hh → const String
Outputs hour (0 - 11) as two digits
HH → const String
Outputs hour (0 to 23) as two digits
m → const String
Outputs month compactly
M → const String
Outputs month as short name
mm → const String
Outputs month as two digits
MM → const String
Outputs month as long name
n → const String
Outputs minute compactly
nn → const String
Outputs minute as two digits
s → const String
Outputs second compactly
S → const String
Outputs millisecond compactly
ss → const String
Outputs second as two digits
SSS → const String
Outputs millisecond as three digits
u → const String
Outputs millisecond compactly
uuu → const String
Outputs microsecond as three digits
w → const String
Outputs week in month
W → const String
Outputs week in year compactly
WW → const String
Outputs week in year as two digits
ymdw → const String
Outputs year as four digits
yy → const String
Outputs year as two digits
yyyy → const String
Example: formatDate(new DateTime(1989), yyyy); // => 1989
z → const String
Outputs timezone as time offset
Z → const String


calcDateCount(int year, int month) int
dayInYear(DateTime date) int
digits(int value, int length) String
formatDate(DateTime date, List<String> formats, LocaleType locale) String
i18nObjInLocale(LocaleType? localeType) Map<String, Object>
Get international object for localeType
i18nObjInLocaleLookup(LocaleType localeType, String key, int index) String
Get international lookup for a localeType, key and index.


DateCancelledCallback = dynamic Function()
DateChangedCallback = dynamic Function(DateTime time)
StringAtIndexCallBack = String? Function(int index)