withKeyOf<T extends DataModelMixin<T>> static method

T withKeyOf<T extends DataModelMixin<T>>({
  1. required T source,
  2. required T destination,

Apply source's key to destination.


static T withKeyOf<T extends DataModelMixin<T>>(
    {required T source, required T destination}) {
  if (source._key == null) {
    throw Exception("Model must be initialized:\n\n$source");

  final graph = source._remoteAdapter.graph;
  final type = source._internalType;

  // ONLY data we keep from source is its key
  // ONLY data we remove from destination is its key
  if (source._key != destination._key) {
    final destKey = destination._key;

    // assign correct key to destination
    destination._key = source._key;

    // migrate relationships to new key
      from: source,

    if (destKey != null) {
      // remove node

    if (destination.id != null) {
      // if present, remove existent ID association
      graph.removeId(type, destination.id!, notify: false);
      // and associate ID with source key
      graph.getKeyForId(type, destination.id, keyIfAbsent: source._key);
  return destination;