generateForAnnotatedElement method

  1. @override
Future<String> generateForAnnotatedElement(
  1. Element element,
  2. ConstantReader annotation,
  3. BuildStep buildStep

Implement to return source code to generate for element.

This method is invoked based on finding elements annotated with an instance of T. The annotation is provided as a ConstantReader.

Supported return values include a single String or multiple String instances within an Iterable or Stream. It is also valid to return a Future of String, Iterable, or Stream.

Implementations should return null when no content is generated. Empty or whitespace-only String instances are also ignored.


Future<String> generateForAnnotatedElement(
    Element element, ConstantReader annotation, BuildStep buildStep) async {
  final classType =;
  final classTypePlural =;
  final typeLowerCased = DataHelpers.getType(classType);
  ClassElement classElement;

  try {
    classElement = element as ClassElement;
  } catch (e) {
    throw UnsupportedError(
        "Can't generate repository for $classType. Please use @DataRepository on a class.");

  void _checkIsFinal(final ClassElement? element, String? name) {
    if (element != null) {
      if (name != null && element.getSetter(name) != null) {
        throw UnsupportedError(
            "Can't generate repository for $classType. The `$name` field MUST be final");
      _checkIsFinal(element.supertype?.element, name);

  _checkIsFinal(classElement, 'id');

  for (final field in relationshipFields(classElement)) {

  // relationship-related

  final relationships = relationshipFields(classElement)
      .fold<Set<Map<String, String?>>>({}, (result, field) {
    final relationshipClassElement = field.typeElement;

    // define inverse

    final relationshipAnnotation = TypeChecker.fromRuntime(DataRelationship)
        .firstAnnotationOfExact(field, throwOnUnresolved: false);

    var inverse =

    if (inverse == null) {
      final possibleInverseElements =
          relationshipFields(relationshipClassElement).where((elem) {
        return (elem.type as ParameterizedType)
                .element ==

      if (possibleInverseElements.length > 1) {
        throw UnsupportedError('''
Too many possible inverses for relationship `${}`
of type $classType: ${ =>', ')}

Please specify the correct inverse in the $classType class, for example:

@DataRelationship(inverse: '${}')
final BelongsTo<${}> ${};

and execute a code generation build again.
      } else if (possibleInverseElements.length == 1) {
        inverse =;

    // prepare metadata

    final jsonKeyAnnotation = TypeChecker.fromRuntime(JsonKey)
        .firstAnnotationOfExact(field, throwOnUnresolved: false);

    final keyName = jsonKeyAnnotation?.getField('name')?.toStringValue();

      'key': keyName ??,
      'inverse': inverse,
      'kind': field.type.element?.name,
      'type': DataHelpers.getType(,

    return result;

  final relationshipsFor = {
    for (final rel in relationships)
      '\'${rel['key']}\'': {
        '\'name\'': '\'${rel['name']}\'',
        if (rel['inverse'] != null) '\'inverse\'': '\'${rel['inverse']}\'',
        '\'type\'': '\'${rel['type']}\'',
        '\'kind\'': '\'${rel['kind']}\'',
        '\'instance\'': 'model?.' + rel['name']!,

  // serialization-related

  final hasFromJson =
      classElement.constructors.any((c) => == 'fromJson');
  final fromJson = hasFromJson
      ? '$classType.fromJson(map)'
      : '_\$${classType}FromJson(map)';

  final methods = [
    ...classElement.methods, => i.methods).expand((i) => i), => i.methods).expand((i) => i)
  final hasToJson = methods.any((c) => == 'toJson');
  final toJson =
      hasToJson ? 'model.toJson()' : '_\$${classType}ToJson(model)';

  // additional adapters

  final remoteAdapterTypeChecker = TypeChecker.fromRuntime(RemoteAdapter);

  final mixins ='adapters') {
    final mixinType = obj.toTypeValue();
    final mixinMethods = <MethodElement>[];
    String? displayName;

    if (mixinType is ParameterizedType) {
      final args = mixinType.typeArguments;

      if (args.length > 1) {
        throw UnsupportedError(
            'Adapter `$mixinType` MUST have at most one type argument (T extends DataModel<T>) is supported for $mixinType');

      if (!remoteAdapterTypeChecker.isAssignableFromType(mixinType)) {
        throw UnsupportedError(
            'Adapter `$mixinType` MUST have a constraint `on` RemoteAdapter<$classType>');

      final instantiatedMixinType = (mixinType.element as ClassElement)
              typeArguments: [if (args.isNotEmpty) classElement.thisType],
              nullabilitySuffix: NullabilitySuffix.none);
      displayName =
          instantiatedMixinType.getDisplayString(withNullability: false);

    return displayName;

  if (mixins.isEmpty) {

  // template

  return '''
// ignore_for_file: invalid_use_of_protected_member, invalid_use_of_visible_for_testing_member, non_constant_identifier_names

mixin \$${classType}LocalAdapter on LocalAdapter<$classType> {
Map<String, Map<String, Object?>> relationshipsFor([$classType? model]) =>

$classType deserialize(map) {
  for (final key in relationshipsFor().keys) {
    map[key] = {
      '_': [map[key], !map.containsKey(key)],
  return $fromJson;

Map<String, dynamic> serialize(model) => $toJson;

// ignore: must_be_immutable
class \$${classType}HiveLocalAdapter = HiveLocalAdapter<$classType> with \$${classType}LocalAdapter;

class \$${classType}RemoteAdapter = RemoteAdapter<$classType> with ${mixins.join(', ')};


final ${typeLowerCased}LocalAdapterProvider = Provider<LocalAdapter<$classType>>(
  (ref) => \$${classType}HiveLocalAdapter(ref));

final ${typeLowerCased}RemoteAdapterProvider =
      (ref) => \$${classType}RemoteAdapter(${typeLowerCased}LocalAdapterProvider)));

final ${typeLowerCased}RepositoryProvider =
  Provider<Repository<$classType>>((ref) => Repository<$classType>(ref));

final _watch${classType == classTypePlural ? 'One' : ''}$classType =<DataStateNotifier<$classType?>, DataState<$classType?>, WatchArgs<$classType>>(
      (ref, args) {
return${typeLowerCased}RepositoryProvider).watchOne(, remote: args.remote, params: args.params, headers: args.headers, alsoWatch: args.alsoWatch);

AutoDisposeStateNotifierProvider<DataStateNotifier<$classType?>, DataState<$classType?>> watch${classType == classTypePlural ? 'One' : ''}$classType(dynamic id,
  {bool? remote, Map<String, dynamic>? params, Map<String, String>? headers, AlsoWatch<$classType>? alsoWatch}) {
return _watch${classType == classTypePlural ? 'One' : ''}$classType(WatchArgs(id: id, remote: remote, params: params, headers: headers, alsoWatch: alsoWatch));

final _watch$classTypePlural =<DataStateNotifier<List<$classType>>, DataState<List<$classType>>, WatchArgs<$classType>>(
      (ref, args) {
ref.maintainState = false;
return${typeLowerCased}RepositoryProvider).watchAll(remote: args.remote, params: args.params, headers: args.headers, filterLocal: args.filterLocal, syncLocal: args.syncLocal);

AutoDisposeStateNotifierProvider<DataStateNotifier<List<$classType>>, DataState<List<$classType>>> watch$classTypePlural(
  {bool? remote, Map<String, dynamic>? params, Map<String, String>? headers, bool Function($classType)? filterLocal, bool? syncLocal}) {
return _watch$classTypePlural(WatchArgs(remote: remote, params: params, headers: headers, filterLocal: filterLocal, syncLocal: syncLocal));

extension ${classType}X on $classType {
/// Initializes "fresh" models (i.e. manually instantiated) to use
/// [save], [delete] and so on.
/// Can be obtained via ``, ``, ``
$classType init(Reader read, {bool save = true}) {
  final repository = internalLocatorFn(${typeLowerCased}RepositoryProvider, read);
  final updatedModel = repository.remoteAdapter.initializeModel(this, save: save);
  return save ? updatedModel : this;