deserialize method

  1. @override
DeserializedData<T, DataModel<DataModel>> deserialize(
  1. Object? data, {
  2. String? key,

Returns a DeserializedData object when deserializing a given data.

key can be used to supply a specific key when deserializing ONE model.


DeserializedData<T, DataModel> deserialize(Object? data, {String? key}) {
  final result = DeserializedData<T, DataModel>([], included: []);

  dynamic addIncluded(id, RemoteAdapter? adapter) {
    if (id is Map && adapter != null) {
      final data = adapter.deserialize(id as Map<String, dynamic>);
        ..add(data.model as DataModel<DataModel>)
      return data.model!.id;
    return id;

  if (data == null || data == '') {
    return result;
  if (data is Map) {
    data = [data];

  if (data is Iterable) {
    for (final mapIn in data) {
      final mapOut = <String, dynamic>{};

      final relationships = localAdapter.relationshipsFor();

      for (final mapInKey in mapIn.keys) {
        final mapOutKey = fieldForKey(mapInKey.toString());
        final metadata = relationships[mapOutKey];

        if (metadata != null) {
          final _type = metadata['type'] as String;

          if (metadata['kind'] == 'BelongsTo') {
            final id = addIncluded(mapIn[mapInKey], adapters[_type]);
            mapOut[mapOutKey] = id == null
                ? null
                : graph.getKeyForId(_type, id,
                    keyIfAbsent: DataHelpers.generateKey(_type));

          if (metadata['kind'] == 'HasMany') {
            mapOut[mapOutKey] = (mapIn[mapInKey] as Iterable)
                .map((id) {
                  id = addIncluded(id, adapters[_type]);
                  return id == null
                      ? null
                      : graph.getKeyForId(_type, id,
                          keyIfAbsent: DataHelpers.generateKey(_type));
        } else {
          // regular field mapping
          mapOut[mapOutKey] = mapIn[mapInKey];

      final model = localAdapter.deserialize(mapOut);
      model._initialize(adapters, key: key, save: true);

  return result;