validate method

  1. @override
Map<String, dynamic>? validate(
  1. AbstractControl control

Validates the control.


Map<String, dynamic>? validate(AbstractControl<dynamic> control) {
  // don't validate empty values to allow optional controls
  if (control.value == null) {
    return null;

  List<dynamic>? collection;

  if (control is FormArray<dynamic>) {
    collection = control.value;
  } else if (control is FormGroup) {
    collection = control.value.keys.toList();
  } else if (control is FormControl<Iterable<dynamic>>) {
    collection = control.value?.toList();
  } else if (control is FormControl<String> || control.value is String) {
    collection = control.value.toString().runes.toList();

  return (collection == null || collection.length <= maxLength)
      ? null
      : <String, dynamic>{
          ValidationMessage.maxLength: {
            'requiredLength': maxLength,
            'actualLength': collection.length,